Plugins to be ported!

Essentials? I’d prefer a version with less junk. (/nuke, /kittycannon…)


I would really like to see something similar to liftsign, and also WorldEdit/WorldGuard. I thought I saw somewhere that the guy who made worldedit is actually working on sponge, so I would think it would be ported anyway.

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Ill be porting my plugins over. My main goal is to get ReferGift moved over and running. I may get “ClockedIn” and “Timely Permissive” ported.

I’d also love to see NCP and LWC (WorldEdit and WorldGuard too but since sk89q is in the sponge project i’m shure he will port it ^^) , but i think it would be the best if their original autors would port them. And i believe many will do this! :slight_smile:

once 1.8 comes out, I’ll begin work on porting my mod “OreVeins”

Vault is going to be obsolete.

I’ll be porting PEX and adding the appropriate permissions API for Sponge.


A UpnP auto port forwarding plugin, all the bukkit ones were allready dead, but here are two examples:

I would also like some sort of config to add as many ports as needed, so things like DYN map can also be auto forwarded, or even an api so other plugins could automatically add extra ports to the config.

This would be nice for people like me who run a server from a school network and don’t have access to the router/modem config.

If the old dead plugins cannot be “ported” perhaps I should copy this post to “Plugin ideas”

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I’ve never had to use one, but that’s a great idea.

I too would favour this, for example Essentials.jar and EssentialsToys.jar or something for those sorts of things.

Or maybe just EssentialsMin.jar which you can replace the original Essentials.jar with that just cuts out all that junk.

WorldEdit is already a Forge mod, so technically it doesn’t need to be ported.



ComandHelper :smile:
I know these are sk’s plugins but I feel they may be neglected :frowning:

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GriefPrevention is a useful one.

Would be nice if the ability to load/unload/reload etc plugins individually was built into sponge, after all, plugman is always the first plugin I put on any server.

Cookbook or RecipeManager would be very helpful. I’ve relied upon those for a long while, handy to tweak vanilla recipes but often necessary when adding custom blocks or special items.
Movecraft. This goes in the very hard category, I believe, but I LOVE the new version.
Terrain Control. Some of the TC devs are already here, so that may yet happen.
Cenotaph (or Tombstone). Neither has been updated for a long time …
MChat (or iChat or …). A decent chat formatting plugin with bells and whistles.
That’s the top of my wishlist, the rest have already been suggested.
I could go on for quite a while really, there are lots of great ones I’d miss :waxing_crescent_moon:


I’m not completely sure yet, but my upcoming team might be able to work on something like Essentials, LWC and a few others. We’ll completely rewrite the plugins though.
I’ll also rewrite most of my plugins.

I’ll try to port Emerald2Money To Sponge. I Know, the plugin is nearly useless. But it will be a practice to me for coding to sponge :smiley:

(BTW: I’m the original developer of Emerald2Money :slight_smile: )

I would love to see Ultimate Survival Games ported to sponge. I bet lots of server owners would be interested in using it.

I really loved playing around with VoxelSniper and creating some cool terrains with it. It’s amazing what you could do with that plugin. I really would like to see it being ported over to Sponge :blush: . If there are no volunteers I’d offer myself to port that over.

Source: GitHub - TVPT/VoxelSniper: The premiere long-distance brush editor for Minecraft

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I would like to see the Scavenger plugin either ported over or implemented into the server so that inventory recovery is a default feature!

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iConomy is important :slight_smile:

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