Poll: XenForo vs Discourse

There are lots of XenForo styles that are different to Bukkit one. XF adds organization to post management and ir is quite more wonderful

This poll is possibly not representative because people who dislike Discourse may not be checking around very frequently.

Gotta be the party pooper.

I do have to say, I don’t have a handle on what topics are really active with Discourse. I just see “Latest” (the front page), read the first few topics, and leave. I also have a bunch of PMs but it’s lumped in with flagged posts in the top dropdown, and it drives me nuts.

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The “Top” view (in conjunction with the This Week/This Month/Today dropdown just beneath) should be helpful here. Possibly also sorted by latest activity.

Yeah, that dropdown isn’t hugely useful, I guess. But you can click your avatar and select Messages from the resulting dropdown. That gives you a very clear list of your PMs.

I do wish Discourse allowed selection of the default view via user preferences, though.

XenForo is really, really easier to use than, errr, Discourse is the name of the actual forum now?
And with this forum there is too many javascript… -_-

If you think XenForo doesn’t use a ton of JavaScript, you really haven’t been paying attention :smile:

Anyway, love JS or loathe it, it’s pretty much necessary for any kind of advanced message board system these days, be it XenForo, Discourse or something else.

Filter stuff out

In your preferrences,
you can watch, track and mute whole categories:

It impacts your “New” and “Unread” tab a lot:

How do you created the pool?

Oh I know how to get to the information – I just find it a lot more of a hassle.

I dislike Discourse because its not as organized as Xenforo, plus how are you able to have a Plugin Directory on discourse? on Xenforo you can use their Resource Manager

Other than those problems. I do love the way the pages flow and scroll on endlessly.

Also love the rich text editor style using markdown and such.

Another highlight to me is the real time updating of the topic. Or semi real time updating.Either way its nice.


This is also how I feel.

I am torn on this. I like Discourse for its simplistic and elegant design, everything seems to flow and work together. On the other hand, XenForo is much more sophisticated (from what I can tell, I haven’t had the pleasure to use Discourse for very long). I feel that if we expect this community to grow like we all want it to, we need to plan for the future and if that is the case I think we should go for XenForo. Though doing this will make transferring data and profiles if even possible to the new site a difficult and time consuming project, if we did go with XenForo we would need to do it soon, as it would be a hassle to switch message board systems down the road once we are well established in this Discourse site.

What do you mean by “randomly around” ? There’s no randomness involved; is it just because the default view doesn’t show posts in the same way that you may have been used to in the past with XenForo?

It really seems to me that a lot of the criticism of Discourse basically boils to down to simple unfamiliarity. New is scary.

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What specifically do you find to be more sophisticated about XF? I’m not trying to bash XF here, this is a totally honest question.

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I feel this post does an effective job at summing up what a lot of us who are opposed to Discourse are thinking.

The way the forums are organized and laid out for the consumer is more of a sophisticated system than Discourse in my opinion. As for Discourse it has the simplistic system going for it, like right now we can access all different forum tags from the front page from a drop down menu. While handy and a very sleek design it isn’t as professional as I think it should be done if Sponge plans to become a popular and reputable project. Though if the web development staff have ideas and features to add to Discourse and would like to post them here or in another topic I would like to read them, as I do have very little experience with Discourse and may be completely judging Discourse incorrectly.

Here is an image of the drop down menu mentioned above.

You guys are bad designers. Discourse is strictly superior to traditional forum design. It isn’t messy and unprofessional. That opinion, with nothing to back it up, just shows a hatred for change and no sense of interface design.

There’s no practical arguments being made here, it’s clear people are just uncomfortable because it’s not what they’re used to.

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Well, you just made an opinion with nothing to back it up with…


Because the burden of proof is on you guys. You are the accusers. You are the ones claiming something good is bad. Similarly if I were arguing whether or not the sky was blue, there is a limit to how much I can do to substantiate any argument I make. At some point, it simply becomes evident that the person claiming the sky isn’t blue has nothing to go on and that the majority is indeed correct. The majority is not always correct, but the burden of proof belongs to the person going against the majority. So far it’s just “bad design” or “too busy” which are just obviously false claims. If people cannot put their argument into words, it is because they don’t have one, they are just afraid of change.

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There is something to say about both. For instance Discourse is very lightweight and easy to use. However XenForo has got more features and you can easily see who is online etc…

Yours sincerely,
Marijn van Wezel

Try not to make such a direct attack. Make an argument that tackles their points, not one that cuts them by saying they are bad designers. That is strictly your opinion as design is generally a subjective experience.