Nucleus: The Ultimate Essentials Plugin (MC 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2)

Yeah, make sure you’re running 0.17.0 that I’ve just released, of course! :slight_smile: You might also want to deny, to stop them running /minecraft:me.

Having an issue with migrating from essential commands (Sorry, getting used to sponge). Minecraft 1.8.9 Sponge API 4. The plugin is running smoothly in console and we’ve been following the instructions closely: but every time we try to use the migrating command after setting up the permission it says “unknown command”.

Any assistance on how to fix this would be appreciated. And thank you for all the hard you guys do!

@dualspiral You Santa Claus? Thank you! Great gift!

Special thanks for this:

This solves the problem of buckets of water and lava? When quickly clicking it is possible to pour water and lava?

Thanks for /me


On the latest version, if I whitelist commands for the commandspy and then do nucleus reload on a live server the entire server will lag, freeze and then crash. I am on spongeforge 2006 and forge 2171. If you would like more information please let me know.


Does the watchdog shut down the server and give you stack traces? That would be useful!

Hello, blacklist for command ?

Sorry, me again.

Is there a way to teleport to a specific set of coordinates? I cannot find anything in the Nucleus documentation on it? (Answered below)

and any new developments involving the colored-chat problem I posted a few days ago? :slight_smile:

Use /tppos x y z

1 Like

Any possible way to add in per-style permissions for chat/nickname styles? I want to allow my players to use Bold and Italics, but not underline. If this is already possible please let me know. :stuck_out_tongue:


Not possible atm afaik. There’s only

/warp list is throwing "An error occured tryping to perform that command.
Nucleus 0.170.0
Spongeforge 2171-2010
LuckPerms 2.16.75

@dualspiral tried to downgrade wont fix the issue =/

@Karagra_Gaming If you can turn debug mode on, by turning core.debug-mode to true in main.conf and then run /nucleus reload, try to use /warp list again and send me the stack trace that appears on the console.

@popcorn1111 It’s working for me, but I put a speculative fix in 0.17, if that’s not working, I’ll try to build a more representative setup to work out how to deal with it.

Based off a previous comment about /help, perhaps nucleus can override sponge’s /help by only showing commands that players actually have permission to.

Eg. it will show /home, /sethome, /spawn, and /fly for players on Member group but only show /home, sethome, and /spawn for player on Unregistered group. The only issue I see here is that it would only be for nucleus commands and not other plugins.

I thought Sponge was only meant to show commands that the player had permission for - if it’s not, it might be a Sponge issue instead. However, I’m sure I could do it for all commands, I mean, I get them all for /nucleus info! :slight_smile:

I guess it’s a sponge issue then haha! Players are complaining that they are seeing commands from worldedit when they can’t even use it - and there are a lot of those in /help so it turns out to be a bother other than a help xD.

@dualspiral /nucleus reload is bugged freezes server. But i did a full restart after the freeze

What does nucleus/general.json look like? Any other errors in the console during load?