ActionControl - Control crafting, mining, combat and more!

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, ActionControl. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


ActionControl allows you to react on almost every action performed by a player on your server.
With ActionControl you can currently react on the following actions:

  • Crafting items
  • Breaking blocks
  • Placing blocks
  • Interacting with blocks
  • Interacting with entities
  • Attacking entities
  • Using items

When one of the listed actions is performed, you can respond to it in one of the following ways:

  • Deny the action
  • Execute a command
  • Log the action
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Give that man a banana, some milk and a blender, he totally deserves it :thumbsup:

This is a good idea ! Is there a way to disable listeners ?

@mapletoy this is what you were looking for :wink:

What do mean by disabling listeners?

I mean if I don’t need ActionControl for interacting with blocks, am I able to disable this part ?

Just don’t create rules for interacting with blocks in your configs.

Is this going to prevent your code from listening to breabkblockevent() ? Or is it going to listen but doing nothing when triggering ?

I agree that the result will be the same, I want to know about the way :slight_smile:

It’s always listening but if there are no rules for an event, nothing will happen.

If you want to know more about the internals of ActionControl, take a look at its source code, which is publicly available on GitHub.

Great to have a public source ! But I am far too bad in java to take a look at your code, I fully trust you :smile_cat:

It was just about performance concern with events caught by the plugin or not.

This won’t prevent me from using it :wink: