Adding multiple blank lines to the scoreboard


is it possible to add multiple empty lines to the scoreboard as in Bukkit?
I am holding all my scores in an ArrayList before building.

I tried to add the following method for adding blank lines

public void blankLine() {
        Text text = Text.of(" ");
        for(int i = 0; i < blankLines; i++) {
            // text.join(Text.builder(" ").color(TextColors.RESET).build());
            text.join(Text.of("§r "));



What would be the way to make this with Sponge?
Thanks in advance

That looks fine to me. You could just use extra spaces, instead of just appending reset character.

I thought so too but only the first blank line works :confused:

I fixed it by appending a string using a for-loop instead of using Text methods.
My final code:

public void blankLine() {
        String string = " ";
        for(int i = 0; i < blankLines; i++) {
            string += " ";

