[Discontinued] AdminShop [v1.8.2] - Server Shops

Try an older version of Sponge. If that doesn’t work, talk to the TotalEconomy dev. It’s working for other people around build 541 of Sponge correctly. If it doesn’t work, post a log please.

Thanks,I am going to have a try!

A great idea!If it works,I will notice you,thank you! :slight_smile:

Compatibilities with EconomyLite planned? Would be nice! ^^

I like how it uses “minecraft:dirt” :heart:. But I wonder what you will do for blocks/items that have a name like this:


Using the ID might be a bad idea :worried:. As with updates of modpacks Id’s change violently. What means if an administrator would have a vanilla world template spawn. Would need to redo all his signs (been their, multiple times, would like to avoid, … ).

ID’s don’t change in 1.8+, ever. Unless the mod developers themselves are changing the names of things. Modpack makers used to have to resolve ID conflicts, but ID conflicts no longer happen.

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Hmm, I could look into that :slight_smile:


Id’s do change if the level.dat gets deleted. And than forge generated a complete new id table. And indeed id conflicts don’t happen anymore. Now it only “breaks” your complete map if you add/remove mods :wink: (at least in forge 1.7.10 it does).

Okay, I’ll look into supporting it. If you mean item ID’s too long to put on a sign, use /setitem

Has the issue been fixed where the shop signs don’t work after a server restart?

Yes it was fixed

Bug fixed regarding v0.4 and removing AdminShops

Updated to latest Sponge.

Hi, AdminShopSell works fine. However, when I use AdminShop the money gets deducted from the balance but no items appear in the inventory …


Error! You don’t have enough money to do that!

If that’s not the issue, I’ll fix it

It wasn’t the issue & thanks in advance

EDIT: Can you add a sign that can be used as a trash can, eg [disposal]

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Yeah I’ll add to Essentials

Can you show me the AdminShop sign? Are you using v0.6b? If so, does it work if you remove it, and add it back? What if you add an empty sign and then remove it?

I’ll give it a go tomorrow - thanks for your suggestions

No problem :wink:

Let me know what happens.