[API 6.x/7.x] FoxGuard - The flexible world protection solution

I’m having some trouble creating a region with the plugin…
Every time I try the command “/foxguard create worldregion hubdrop rectangular” after placing the 2 positions it gives me an error " Error occurred while executing command: null"

But if I list the regions it appears there, the thing is, if I restart the server the region is gone.

World Edit

I am 100% sure that it is in the mods folder

Then you’ll have to provide more info, because it’s not being loaded. Can you tell us what version of FoxCore you have? I notice you have Foxguard 0.19.3-dev-api5-319, you should also have FoxCore-0.9.4-api5-157-server.jar.
It is probably also worth checking if the FoxCore file has been appended with .zip, which happens with some browsers. That, and ensure that the FoxCore file isn’t corrupted. Re-download it if necessary.

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I need error logs.

That doesn’t help. I need the list of FILENAMES.

Take a screenshot of your mods folder.

http://prntscr.com/d6jss0 Removed FoxGuard and FoxCore due to the server crashing

I specifically wanted to check the versions of foxcore and foxguard that you were using, because there are multiple, and they aren’t the same.

But since it appears you’ve given up, you no longer need our help.

Good day to you.

Can you tell me how?

The server console doesn’t give anything else except what I wrote and since it doesn’t crash I don’t have a crash report either :confused:

It should spit an error into console when it says error executing command…

If you run the command in minecraft, it should show a bunch of garbage when you hover your over the message. Try screenshotting that.

I apologize, I did not want to come off as I had given up. I am really new to this.

These are the versions http://prntscr.com/d6t2rq

so your problem is that you grabbed -server-lib.jar

That is the wrong jar.

Use the -server.jar

ah ok thank you, and I apologize again

Update for 6.0.0 ?


Download here: https://github.com/FoxDenStudio/FoxGuard/releases
and here: https://github.com/FoxDenStudio/FoxCore/releases

Also I just want to explicitly point out that api5 versions work with SpongeAPI 6.x, and will probably work for a while until the Sponge devs decide they want to break something.


Nice! Thanks.
I do have a question about which build to use though. The -server files are meant for on the (dedicated) server, the -client files for in the client (without sponge?) and what is the “normal” version for?

Use -server.jar for a server.

Use -client.jar for a forge client for CUI functionality. It also contains the plugin, so if you have spongeforge installed on the client, it makes the plugin available on your client as well. Basically the -client.jar contains everything in the -server.jar, and then some.

The jar without a prefix is the library jar, which means it doesn’t have shadowed dependencies. It can be used as a library in other projects.

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Thank you for your work!

Running as follows:
SpongeForge 6.0.0-BETA-1878
FoxCore 0.10.1 API5 202
FoxGuard v0.20.1-dev-api5-345

Seems I have the wrong version up? :confused:
Don’t really understand stacktraces but based on it spamming the new SF I’m guessing that it’s the issue.

Traced removed to save space


What are the names of the jar files for my plugins…?