ASAP. Server Crashing with latests versions of Sponge

I recently updated a few mods on my server including sponge but every time I go and start my server it crashes. I have tried rolling back the mods I updated and it doesn’t change anything. I have tried going back 1 or 2 versions of sponge and still nothing. Looks like mixins is incorrect or something?

Have tried removing mods that have caused issues with sponge in the past, doesn’t change a thing. Need help ASAP.

You’re running a fairly old build of SpongeForge, not just 1 or 2 versions back… Most recent is 1.10.2-2221-5.2.0-BETA-2223 you’re running spongeforge-1.10.2-2221-5.1.0-BETA-2185.jar.

Have you tried running your server without SpongeForge? If yes: did it crash?

Once I removed sponge and nucleusmixins it solved the problem. Went to their forums page and found this:

Thank you for your help.

edit1: Nvm it is still crashing…

So it’s still crashing without SF and Nucleusmixins?
I guess your princess is in another castle, then :wink:

I figured it out. Something updated in sponge that killed my ae2 sponge version.