☑ FastAsyncWorldEdit

Its been a week, can op at least say something? thanks

Goto live with what we have here for now :confused: SB_Prime is working on porting his Async WorldEdit Plugin (The Premium & Free versions from spigot) but Its not going to be any time soon sadly. http://img.prntscr.com/img?url=http://i.imgur.com/wyULYvr.png

Sorry, I’ve been neglecting the sponge side of things since a bit. Use a development build:

If something doesn’t work try an older build or report it to the issue tracker:

Also this is still in development, so there’s probably going to be issues with some settings.

If we’re using Forge as the core mod and sponge as a mod (forgesponge) which build would you say is best to use? the sponge version or the forge version?

Sponge version, as it will support some extra functionality (progress titles, cause tracking)

Using your latest beta build for sponge, made sure chunk-wait is really high. Every time I try to //cut anything even 1 block I get thrown an error about the chunk-wait needing to be higher. I can get you a more detailed log, but I figured this was pretty straight forward. I dont get console errors, just a message.


Sponge WorldEdit is a better idea, read above.

Build #96 or above (may take a couple minutes to compile)
And reset it to the default value. Currently that’s larger than the max integer value.

/undo doesn’t work correctly, altought it removes the blocks doesnt place the previous ones backagain

Using FAYE version Sponge-3.5.1-ef06ca3, Forge, and SpongeForge 4.2.0-1562.
Not seeing any edits or alterations.
As an i.e., if I select a row of 4 blocks using the //wand tool, and then type //set stone, I get the message “Operation complete (4 blocks affected)” but no visible change. Reloading the chunk does not show it. Using the block selector tool brings up the original / still showing block (sand) rather than stone.

I know my build versions aren’t bleeding edge but they’re also hardly out-dated so I don’t see the need to update them yet.

Anyone have any input?

I’ve had the same issue for about a month now. I couldnt find any fix to it on my end. I am on the latest forge and spongeforge. So I dont think it has to do with spongeforge or forge. I think its an error with the plugin itself.

I have some troubles trying to load and paste schematics (910, 367 and 372kb)

Running these :

I launch my server with Xmx and Xms 3G.

Grave error is there : http://pastebin.com/AhAgsh96

Nonetheless, I can load and paste smaller schematics (23 and 40kb) and man, this is so fast !

Any idea if it is because of FAWE not implementing WE for pasting features ?

Try updating to anything above #248, and otherwise, could you please send me one of the schematics that doesn’t work? Thanks!

Whenever I use //stack or //paste, WE doesn’t seem to copy/paste block/entitiy data. As in, the stuff in chests etc do not get copied.

If there a flag I need to use? Or something to enable this?

Can we get a release soon?
There’s major issues for forge 1.10.2 that are fixed in commits that aren’t in any releases.
I’ve tried compiling on my own but I’m getting java:compile errors.

Nevermind. Forgot about jenkins.

Can someone link me to the proper world edit and async for use with sponge/forge 1.10.2

and please do not say, just go to the jenkins link, I just want both links in one message :smiley: its been giving me trouble.

worldedit-sponge-mc1.10.2-6.1.4-SNAPSHOT-dist (crashes server)
Forge 1.10.2
Spongeforge 5.0.0-BETA-1785

Whenever I add this to my server. All of my world edit commands completely break and stop working. Any Advice?