☑ FastAsyncWorldEdit

The more I use it and the more I get impressed by what it brings to the world edition. I had to //regen big parts and it ran like a charm.

Also I take the latest builds from Jenkins and he keeps working on it.

Glad that it is, but I hope the thread as well so people know what’s up :smiley:

I went bigger with FAWE, moving a 255x255x60 blocks selection and it tookless than 8 seconds.

This plugin is so robust, I am not affraid of big pasting operations :slight_smile:

It doesn’t works on a deobfuscated environment, is it possible to add a -dev jar accessible from your maven repo ?

Don’t work on ForgeSponge 1.12


Jul 28, 2017 8:10:45 AM com.sk89q.worldedit.extension.platform.CommandManager handleCommandOnCurrentThread
SEVERE: [WorldEdit] An unexpected error occurred while handling a FAWE command

Hi, could you provide links for Sponge 1.11 as well ? You only have 1.12 listed.

Please support the blocks from mods?

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Look here.

That link does not help as it doesn’t distinguish between what version the builds are for

Click the link and select an earlier build.

You can use the forge version.

Versionning is solved, sorry for not replying.
However I still have errors throwing when I try to //set air a cuboid containing a chest. And I can’t replace chest with air.

Now I am trying to use /cs script but I don’t know where to put rhino.
I tried config/worldedit, config/fastasyncworldedit, mods/worldedit, mods/fastasyncworldedit, mods/ but I still have this message :

[15:01:32 INFO]: Failed to find an installed script engine. [15:01:32 INFO]: Please see http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/WorldEdit/Installation
Any idea ?

May I bump this ?

Updating should fix the chest issue. Try putting js.jar in just the mods directory.

Server crashes with FAWE:

  • minecraft_server.1.10.2
  • forge-1.10.2-
  • spongeforge-1.10.2-2281-5.2.0-BETA-2610
  • FastAsyncWorldEdit-forge110-17.09.12-0693972-890-16.5.8

Do I have the right version of FAWE?

Log report:

You need to also install WorldEdit with the forge version of FAWE.

Great!!! Thats it. Thanks Empire92.

The commands in the console do not work. Errors are not displayed.
I checked on SpongeForge 1.12.2 the last build.

Why did the Sponge and Forge versions disappear from the jenkins?

Also any plans to make FastAsyncVoxelSniper for Sponge?

an update to Api7 would be nice indeed