Here are a couple of work in progress plugins. I think foxgaurd is the only thing actually available right now, but there may be more floating around the forum. Considering the size of anti-grief plugins and the current status of Sponge, you probably aren’t going to find much else atm.
####Oglofus Protection allows a player to place a special block, and this protects their area from griefing, like PreciousStones!
When the player places the block it creates a region that gives the player ownership of that area and in turn grief protection. If the player breaks the ProtectionBlock then they get the block back and the region is removed from region list.
####Development can be tracked at
###Currently Implemented:
Tab completion …
[image] Automatically prevent all types of grief!
This is the official thread for the Sponge variant of GriefPrevention now with TOWN and WECUI support! BigScary has granted me permission to develop the Sponge version as he doesn’t have enough time to support both Bukkit and Sponge.
Not familiar with Grief Prevention? It prevents all types of grief automatically without any effort from administrators, and only a little self-service (land claiming) effort from players.
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