BLOCK_DUST particle variants?

I apologize for asking in regard to what may be easily interpretable through existing documentation. I searched for what I feel a reasonable time, but may have excluded portions of the documents from my scope by accident.

I’m looking to define a type of block relating to the particle to be spawned later on, but fail to find the correct way of doing so even through brute force.

ParticleEffect effect = registry.createBuilder(ParticleEffect.Builder.class).type(ParticleTypes.BLOCK_DUST).count(50).build();

I assumed that information would follow BLOCK_DUST or be defined by some additional chain, perhaps it does. Are these additions to be performed by some implementation of the data api? If it isn’t possible by method of the particle builder, I’m fine being told it’s either unsupported or to be done by means of the data API without additional assistance.

Additional apologies should this be in the wrong category, and preemptive thanks should you reply with any information.

Use registry.createBuilder(ItemParticle.Builder.class). It has a method to apply an ItemStackSnapshot.

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