BlockTrackR - Monitoring and Data Aggregation Plugin [2.6.1 - Sponge 1276]

This one however, uses MySQL. :stuck_out_tongue:

Then there is probably some kind of default config. And of course you need MySQL installed.

I predicted this, I messed up. xD

Couldn’t get the BTR tool to work, dunno how to use that webclient zip and I didn’t get a log from using BTR retrive when I was actively breaking a block.

The console spam though, that’s insane. idk where I messed up…I also don’t know if I need to have this command line client open. xD

So lost, so confused. I looked up an old bukkit tutorial for setting up MySQL, looked like everything was right…made a user, made a pass, port forwarded, edited the BlockTrackR config file to match, authorized myself in-game. idk what that database in the cfg is, assume it creates it so left it default minecraft.

You need to setup a webserver for the webclient (like nginx or apache) and plop the zip contents into its html folder.

It would help to see what it’s spamming…

It’s basically like the op said, it’s trying to log everything. Block destruction, chat, etc.

Your version of Sponge is outdated by the look of it.

Server is running: sponge-1.8-1446-2.1DEV-508 (Latest)

Err, sorry, what I meant is it is more current than the version this plugin is built against. So there’s nothing you can do really and it’s up to op to fix it.

Only 1.8 admin tool I can really find anywhere and it’s not up-to-date. xD

Tend to see that often with these plugins…their authors have been off for like 1+ month(s). Where’d everybody go?

People come and go, and quite often get caught up in reallife for a few months and then come back…

A few months? :frowning:

I’ve got some free time this weekend, I’ll take a look at it then.


BlockTrackR Version 2.2

Tested with sponge-1.8-1446-2.1DEV-515.



I tried figuring this out for the past 4 hours yawn but I couldn’t, and I could figure out ZML’s permissions, lol. Using this MySQL thing is too difficult, even with guides apparently.

Use MySQL workbench from oracle, a fantastic GUI tool for managing databases. Setup an account that has full permissions on a schema then point the config at that. Pics incoming in a moment.

Actually due to different versions have different interfaces and my lack of caring to use a photo editor, I’ve just written an SQL script that should create a database and user with access to that database.

If you have an existing MySQL server, download this sql file^, navigate your command processor to the directory containing the file and run the following command (This command assumes you run the server locally and have access to the root account):

mysql -h -u root -p < sql1.sql

If you use this script then you can change your configuraiton file to use the username “minecraft” the password “password” and the database “minecraft”. The MySQL user “minecraft” can only be logged into from the localhost and only has access to the “minecraft” database.

If you get errors concerning “access denied” and it’s a new database, consider reading through this stackoverflow thread: Cannot log in with created user in mysql


What’s the focus of BlockTrackR?

is BlockTrackR meant to be be a backend for other plug-ins? Then separate plug-in or companion plug-in that allows for rollback and other advanced grieving protection features utilize BlockTrackR as a backend.

Excellent! This is a great platform for many cool thing to come!

Testing Initiated!

BlockTrackR Version 2.3 - Refactor for Data API

  • Re factored everything. No other operational changes.
  • Added a main to handle double-clicking on the jar.
  • Now supports SQLite, MySQL, and H2.

A huge thank you to @nalimleinad for doing the majority of the re-factoring.

  • Built and Compiled with:

    • spongeapi-2.1-20150924.184839-19.
    • javac 1.8.0_66-internal.
  • Tested on:

    • forge-1.8- with sponge-1.8-1499-2.1DEV-651.
    • openjdk version “1.8.0_66-internal”
    • OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_66-internal-b01)
    • OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.66-b01, mixed mode)

Release & Download:


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Great work! :smile: