Box O' Utils - Control what each blocks/mobs loots, right-click to harvest; more to come

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, Box O’ Utils. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.

RedNesto’s Box O’ Utils

This plugin let server owners control what block/mob drops.
In addition, you can activate the fast-harvest (harvest a crop by right-clicking it).

All the features of this plugin which uses items are compatible with my library FileInventories, so check it out! It will let you totally customize items (enchantments, displayname, etc…).

More features may come in the future. If you would like to see something more in this plugin let me know in my Discord Server.

If you found a bug, please report it in the issue tracker.

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A new version has been released for Box O’ Utils, it is available for download here.

[+] Added a way to set a quantity range for classic items as well as FileItems

A new version has been released for Box O’ Utils, it is available for download here.

Version 0.3

[+] Added the Block Spawners feature (proposed by Inscrutable), allowing to spawn mobs when breaking a block. Read more about it here

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A new version has been released for Box O’ Utils, it is available for download here.

Version 0.4

+ Added the displayname property on custom drops, with ‘&’ color codes support

! FileInventories integration now requires FileInventories 0.3.0

A new version has been released for Box O’ Utils, it is available for download here.

Version 0.5

  • Added economy support for custom drops. You can learn more on the wiki
  • Fixed indirect death causes not triggering custom drops (like killing an entity by shooting it with a bow)

A new version has been released for Box O’ Utils, it is available for download here.

Version 0.6

+ Added multiple currency support to blocks drops and mobs drops

+ Added configuration reload with /sponge plugins reload

A new version has been released for Box O’ Utils, it is available for download here.

Version 0.7

+ Added ByteItems support for CustomDrops. Requires ByteItems 2.3+ (see the documentation)

* Better drop quantity and money amount parsing.

! The file_inv_id CustomDrop property should no longer be used. It has been replaced by a more flexible pair of provider and type properties (see the documentation).

A new version has been released for Box O’ Utils, it is available for download here.

Version 0.8

+ Added fixed quantities support for BlockSpawners

+ Added decimal values support for chance of CustomDrops and BlockSpawners

+ Default configuration files now include working samples

+ Added external integrations support

* Fixed FastHarvest and BlockSpawners still enabled after disabling them and reloading configuration

* Fixed error when a BlockSpawner mob has no quantity set

Please add support for universeguard (regions) for the drops works in regions.

I’m not sure what you want. It works fine for me.

Ops. What I wanted to say was a suggestion to add.
It is for the drops to work also with regions and worlds.
I use pixelmon for example, and I like to make some cool jokes, and its plugin is perfect for this … so I suggest supporting UniverseGuard for more fun use. Sorry for the lack of information.

So you want the plugin to still loot CustomDrops even if the UniverseGuard region flags prevents mobs drops ?

No, just a way of specifying where the drop would work. The claims of griefprevention, permissions or universeguard regions.

Good for anyone who likes to apply something rpg on the server. :slight_smile:

To use byte-items, is that right?

mobs {
“minecraft:bat” {

stick = id of byte-items

Oh I see, regions filters sounds like a nice feature to add.

And about ByteItems, it does not work that way. You should do this instead:

mobs {
  "minecraft:bat" {

Wow, thanks for the help.

Are you planning to apply support fo pixelmon too?

It depends on what you mean by pixelmon support.

Also it may take some time before the next update, I already have a new feature to add and have not had enough free time lately.

The plugin already works with “pixelmon: pixelmon” (all wild pokémons), but not in a specific pokémon. It’s just a suggestion in detail.

Thank you for the assistance. <3

Well I have no idea how pixelmon is handling its entities, I’ll see what I can do for that.

A new version has been released for Box O’ Utils, it is available for download here.


This is a massive update

Some parts of the plugin were refactored/rewritten, the most notable one being configuration loading.
This means there may be regressions, please check that your configurations are working.

If something broke please report it on the issue tracker or in my discord server


Drops reuse

Applicable to BlocksDrops and MobsDrops.

Allows to reuse items initially dropped, before the plugin does anything to them.



Applicable to BlocksDrops, MobsDrops and reuses.

Allow to create conditions to decide whether a loot ore reuse must be processed or not.

Currently, the following requirements are available out of the box:

  • Data: checks data (e.g. skull type can be of a player, skeleton, zombie…) present on some game objects (blocks and entities are supported)
    • Please note that right now Sponge implementations are missing stuff needed for this to work, so it is useless currently
  • Permissions: checks if the player that caused the loot to drop has the configured permission
  • Worlds: checks if the player that caused the loot to drop is in a configured world
  • Protected regions: checks if the broken block or killed mob is within specified regions
    • GriefPrevention claims and UniverseGuard regions are supported


Smaller change

+ Custom loot experience property now accepts bounded amounts