Broadcasting plugin equivalent to Simple Broadcast

I’m looking for a plugin that can do mostly the same thing as this old Bukkit plugin. I’d like to be able to do automatic broadcasts to the server’s chat. Are there any in existence? Thanks for the help.


Well idk of any dedicated plugin, my SimpleChat plugin has an auto broadcast feature. I may make a dedicated broadcast plugin in the future.

Can I disable chat channels? That’s something I’m really trying to avoid.

I’m currently working on a plugin that will have that feature, but it’ll take a while until it’s functional.

Alternatively, you can use CommandScheduler for that I guess.

Like @5tingr4y said, you could use my plugin CommandScheduler. If you want I can help you to setup your texts to broadcast.

Channels are permissions based so by default they are disabled in a way

Do these channels have tags also? I have your Simple Tags plugin installed but I really only want to use the auto broadcast feature. Thanks for the help. Also, 2 thumbs way up for your tagging plugin, helps quite a bit

Yes simplechat enables /tag channel and /tag broadcast commands in the simpletags plugin.

It looks like the recent plugin that I released, AutoBroadcaster, does what do you need.

I will really appreciate if you have a look and tell me want do you think of the plugin.