ByteItems - Save items with custom data in one place

This is a discussion topic for the Ore project, ByteItems. View the full project on Ore for downloads and more information.


This plugin allows you to save specific ItemStacks and give them to players. The saved ItemStacks can have any custom data: name, enchantments, durability, variants, mod/plugin specific custom data, and more.

If wanted, the admin can modify the data in a text editor.

This plugin has an API which allows other plugins to retrieve saved ItemStacks.

Read the wiki to learn more

This plugin uses which helps me to improve the user experience by collecting anonymous data. You can disable this in config/bstats/config.conf.

For quick help join my Discord server.

A new version has been released for ByteItems, it is available for download here.

Initial release

Can you add a number parameter to this plugin?

Something like this: /byteItems give [player] <id> [amount] ?

Note: You can already save an ItemStack with more than one Item. The ItemStack is saved like it is, with the amount. When giving it to a player, the amount will be the same when you saved it. Though your request seems reasonable, on my todo-list.

A new version has been released for ByteItems, it is available for download here.


  • Added amount argument to the give command: /bi give <player> <id> [amount]

does byte items have the capability of linking commands to the item you make? doesnt seem like there are any other plugins out there with this capability and support for nbt data the way byteitems does but wanting to make items that run commands by right clicking and stuff.

would also like to have the ability to let players execute commands like /hat without needing the perms to do it.

A new version has been released for ByteItems, it is available for download here.


  • New API (in Java yay)
  • Internal code changes
  • Updated bStats to comply with the Ore guidelines
  • Moved the config into a folder just for the plugin configs

A new version has been released for ByteItems, it is available for download here.


  • Added a --silent flag to the give command: /byteItems give [player] <id> [amount] [--silent]

A new version has been released for ByteItems, it is available for download here.


  • Fixed a bug

Hi, what do you mean by saving items? Is it a plugin to make backup of inventories in case of crashes? Or it’s an in-game plugin?

Thank you