Can I get a idea of how many these plugins are going to be added?

I’m new here and im trying to keep up my Traincraft Server and we cant afford to fall back due to hard competition, we started back in 1.2.5 with only forge, we recently got bukkit at 1.6.4 and cannot continue on without these plugins due to how big the server got. What im mainly posting here is about plugins, I don’t know if any of these are going to be added, can I get a idea of what things are going to come over based on this list, these are the main ones we use.



P.S. Sorry if I did not post this in the right place.

Someone will at least make them when a release is out… I hope ^.^

As far as I understand, vault is included in Sponge.

You can use UltimateCore (Will be released short after sponge release) for AutoMessage, Essentials, EssentialsSpawn and TreeAssist.

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Check out this thread for a growing list of plugins to be added: Plugins to be ported! - #68 by cartman2000. It has people stating if they want to maintain their plugin and others suggesting plugins.

@Riggs64 I think there is a forge compatible version of Worldedit btw, so that should be ready sometime.

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mcmmo, mcmmorankup,factions, Greifprevention, PermissionsEX, Nocheatplus, antixray, orebfuscator, buycraft,Hyperconomy,Hypermerchant,iconomy,ScheduledAnnouncer, bookrules,multiverse-core, anticaps,jobs,horsecraftables,Massivecore/mcore,simplehelptickets,simplewarnings,ishortcuts,dynmap,dynmap-worldguard,dynmap-herochat,advertiseblocker. and make so people can make plugins!

My GriefPrevention can replace both worldguard and lwc, but I expect they’ll both be ported. I think the guy who makes worldguard is on the sponge api project, even.

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i need griefprevention to my server so they can claim with a item…

If you guys want to keep up to date with info on what plugins are going to be ported, check out the thread HERE

That almost covers everything on my list, Thank you for the info.

Yeah, he’s actually the project lead :stuck_out_tongue:

As for Vault, see this and sk89q’s reply

Oh? That’s good and bad - good because he can code like a boss, bad because I don’t think he’s good at making things easy for to use and understand. Fingers crossed for luck! :smile:


Developers will definitely be able to make plugins for Sponge :stuck_out_tongue: That’s the main focus behind the API - to let the community make their own plugins and modifications while making it possible to share those, just like Bukkit before this project.

The only reason his stuff is complicated is because of how powerful it is. Even if it is complex, someone will put up a tutorials explaining various parts. Hey, it might even train us all to write better code ourselves. I personally don’t mind things being complex if it’s powerful, I wish I could make APIs the way he does.

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I’m assuming that WorldEdit and WorldGuard will be in Sponge. Considering the Co-Lead on the project is the plugin dev for both of those :stuck_out_tongue:

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He’s a co-lead (or lead) developer, @sk89q

I might even think he will implement world edit/world guard into the sponge jar, which would be a bad idea.

I think @sk89q is too smart to make that mistake.

I know.
It was a joke! :smiley: