Since the World object extends Extent, you can use that in place of Extent
To get the world by name:
//Have a game object called game
Optional<World> worldOptional = game.getServer().getWorld("worldname");
//Make sure the world optional is present
World world = worldOptional.get();
Not sure if this code will compile properly, but I believe that it will.
//Make sure the world optional is present
//Get the actual world object from the optional
World world = worldOptional.get();
OHHH I’m sorry… I thought this is only a check and forgot to look at the section in the if
Another short question: I saw, that you updatet your economy plugin. Does it use the internal sponge “economy system” now ? I heard of it, but i’m not up to date there
When you think, that my question does not fit here, please send me a PN ^^