Chat Obfuscation (Local Chat)

I’ve been poring over the forums for a couple of hours and I haven’t noticed any development of mention to a local chat system.

I am looking for a plugin that distorts chat over distance. Bukkit had quite a few of these, but all of them had essential parts that were missing. This is why I am not asking for a port, but rather a new, malleable plugin to be developed.

I almost feel like this could be a plugin for a well-developed chat plugin (plugception?), but I did not want to spam every chat plugin developer with the same request.

Lets cut to the chase.

Plugin Features:

  • Global chat
  • Chat channels
  • Local, obfuscated chat
  • Send a message into a channel you are not currently in
  • Name changing (Not prefix or suffix. I mean changing “TurkeyKittin” to “Tomato”)

Some extra tidbits that would be beyond amazing:

  • Distinction among whispering/talking/yelling
  • Permissions support allowing a user that cannot join a channel to still be able to send a message
    • (Similar to things like /helpop)
  • Radio system with frequencies
    • Radio transmission gets distorted when traveling through a certain thickness of blocks
  • Beautiful configurations for everything?

If I just nearly copied a post that I missed, please let me know ASAP.
In addition, if this sounds very similar to a plugin in development, or if you think this could piggyback off a certain plugin that is still in development, please let me know!

I look forward to hearing from all of you.


When I say obfuscation…
Say I have a friend, Tomato, who is standing 25 blocks away from me. Clear chat range is 20, with obfuscation ranging from 20 to 50. If he says “Orange Juice” in chat, I see “Or–nge -uice.”
However, if he were to be at a distance of 45, I would see “----g- j----”

I’ve seen a plugin that actually grays out the message for the letters instead of directly changing them to “-” (But eventually does make it incomprehensible).


Do you have an example (video or something) of a bukkit plugin that does some of this “the right way”?

Also what is the difference between radio and local?

The correct way is shown below.

As you can see, the text gradually darkens as the distance increases, before altogether replacing letters with spaces (The “Blaaaaarrrggggg” had no spaces until after obfuscation).

Local would be chatting with players near you. Say local talk is clearly transmitted to players in a radius of 25 blocks. However, whispering would be a radius of 10, and yelling would be 50.

Radios would allow two players to hold a designated radio item, say a compass, set a frequency, and talk normally while holding the radio in their hand. Local chat typed while holding the radio would be sent to anyone on the same frequency within a 1000 block radius, unless more than 20 blocks were between the sender and the receiver. In this situation, obfuscation (magnitude and threshold) would be increased as a function of the amount of blocks between.

This just gave me an idea. Other radio mods had radio towers that could relay radio transmissions across larger distances. I’m not too crazy about this, as a mail system could replace those messages. However, the issue comes when someone is deep underground. What if a radio antenna/wire could be built from deep inside a cave, up to the surface, and amplify messages from near the base of the antenna to the highest point. For example, a player sending a transmission in a cave 25 blocks from the base of the antenna would have their message transmitted as if they were standing at the top of the antenna, above the ground?

Thanks for the fast reply by the way.


This is a pretty cool idea, i’d like to see this as well. (Staff channels anyone?) Although i think the chat distance should be set by a global setting, but over rideable per channel. So like a staff channel can be set to 0 block radius & be global.

You haven-t been looking enough because my plugin has most of the stuff you asked.

(This is sorta spam :stuck_out_tongue: )

Well sweet! Would you want me to post this into your thread, or just keep it here and make a little mention to this post? Also what are your thoughts on it? Is it doable, and do you think you would want to integrate it?

I saw yours earlier, but it seemed like it was going along a different path, just like most of the other chat plugins. I’m more than happy to piggyback into your plugin, should you choose to accept.

You can keep this post if you want is up to you

Two issues with that plugin; First: the download link is broken and has been for a while. Second: It doesn’t seem to offer local chat which is the one feature I am most looking for.

Epic necro :slightly_smiling:

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Well, it does seem to be the only thread discussing chat plugins. I kind of wanted to get a feel where this developer was going before running off and making my own mod.

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