CommandBooks - A simple Command Book plugin

What version of sponge are you running?

I´m on Version 1.11, SpongeForge (sponge-build 2004, forge-build 2195)

Ah, that’s because you are on API 6 and I have not yet updated CommandBooks to reflect changes in the serialization API, this will be fixed once I make the update. For now, CommandBooks only officially supports API 5 (1.10).

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A new version has been released for CommandBooks, it is available for download here.

Did someone say API 6?

Release v1.4.0

Minecraft 1.11.2 - Tested on spongeforge-1.11.2-2282-6.0.0-BETA-2297


  • Updated to Sponge API 6.0



Please add so I can give books with a command. Or if you know a kit plugin that can do it. Please link it here :slight_smile:

Any kit plugin that handles “NBT” data should be suitable for your needs. I believe the kits in Nucleus can do this, however if you’d like a dedicated kit plugin you could try BetterKits :slight_smile:

Is it possible that the user gives a name to the plugin?
For example,

$time set day
$op [p]
say I’ve set the time to day and opped myself!

Currently, after the user used the command book, he will op himself. Is it possible for the user to give another player’s name? Likely, the user right-clicks the command book and then types a user’s name in chat, and the plugin will op the user given by the user.

No, currently command books cannot prompt the user for input, such a feature would most likely need to wait until the Coversation API is added to Sponge. I will caution you however, allowing the user to potentially enter input into scripts can be very dangerous if not done properly, take the example you described above, it would allow someone who possesses the book to be able to op anyone on the server. Just something to consider.

Thank you very much. I just want to grant the players the permission to promote someone to the specific permission group.

Hi, I really like this plugin and hope to keep it in our server, but I started using grief prevention for the sky claims plugin, and sadly I discovered that grief prevention has a /claim bank or /cb command that overrides the commandbook /cb command. I was wondering if there was a way to change the command or at least have it take priority over the griefpreventions claimbank setup I don’t even have enabled. Thanks!

Glad you like the plugin! Sponge already provides this functionality, take a look at the aliases section of Sponge’s global.conf. You can also use /commandbooks insead of /cb :wink:

Ok, you are awesome for actually responding and so soon! Though I will admit embarrassingly, I had thought that the plugin was added, to find out that I removed it accidentally when removing the commandcraft plugin (was trying out new plugins). So once I found that out and actually the plugin, which has become one of my favorites so far, /cb works just fine haha. Sorry for the incompetence, and thanks again for the help, and for the plugin! It has been a lifesaver in so many ways!

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Is there any way to add a limit amount of how many time the player can use the book? If not I think that would be a great feature.

See above command, just specify a max number of uses when you create the book :smile:

Hello, is there any way you can fork this to Spigot for my 1.10.2 server? I really enjoy this plugin, but I no longer use Sponge. If so, thank you so much! If not, that’s fine. I’ll just request for it on a website I guess.

No, I don’t intend on porting any of my plugins over to Bukkit/Spigot. The custom data that this plugin uses isn’t available within that ecosystem so it would make porting this over a non-trivial task. The code is open-source though :slight_smile:

A new version has been released for CommandBooks, it is available for download here.

Onward to 7!

Release v1.5.0

Minecraft 1.12.2 - Tested on spongeforge-1.12.2-2555-7.1.0-BETA-2815


  • Update to Sponge API 7


Having issues with luck perms.

When i allow for commandbooks.use to be used by my default group they can’t use it. However if i grant them full access they can.

but if i grant them the above three listed commands, they once again cannot

EDIT: it seems the commands are not being sent as the server for whatever reason…

$lp group default permission settemp jobs.admin.add true 5s
jobs add [p] Woodcutter

does not work, it gives the generic access denied from LuckPerms and if i have logging enabled it says the player does not have access to this function…

Yes, this is due to the way permissions are updated asynchronously. So the permission hasen’t actually been added yet by the time the second command gets executed. Currently I don’t really have a good way to get around this. I’ll let you know if I discover a fix.

A new version has been released for CommandBooks, it is available for download here.

Where am I?

Release v1.6.0

Minecraft 1.12.2 - Tested on spongeforge-1.12.2-2705-7.1.0-BETA-3374


  • Added [w] placeholder for the player’s world


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