CrateDrops - Random crates spawn in the wild for players to find

If you open the generated config file, there is a section underneath the comment “Configurable random crates” that gives an outlined example of how to build a fully functional crate. The specifier options I have included are kit-name: the name of the nucleus kit, chance: the occurrence probability, and two more that deal with adding a custom broadcast message.

A new version has been released for CrateDrops, it is available for download here.

This update comes with a complete redesign of the code infrastructure. It is now way more stable on the backend.
The notable user side updates are as follows:

  • New permission node “dropcrate.admin.debug” will now show players with this permission every readout that the plugin sends to the console.
  • New command /clearactivecrates, controlled by the permission “dropcrate.command.clearactivecrates” will remove all crates from the world.
  • The command /activecrates has a new permission node “dropcrate.admin.warptext” which transforms the text of each crate into a clickable teleport.
  • Crates will now drop the contents of the kit onto the ground where the crate was spawned, instead of sending it directly to the player’s inventory.
  • Calculation of the random drop zone has been upgraded to support direct rectangle subtraction dynamically. This means that it will be easy to implement future integrations with other plugins that have region restrictions
  • Permission nodes are now per-registered and will show up in your favorite permission plugin before you run the command once.
  • More error handling and debug messages.

API 8 Support coming soon!

A new version has been released for CrateDrops, it is available for download here.

Upgraded to API 8.1.0!
Please let me know if anyone is experiencing any issues since this is an API upgrade.

I’ll still be supporting the API 7 version for the next few months if people submit issues on the issue board or reply to this form. However, new features will be created and maintained in the API 8 releases going forward.