Create a custom inventory


I tried to create a custom inventory with this code:

Inventory2D inventory = Inventories.customInventoryBuilder().name(new FixedTranslation("d")).size(9).build();

but the FixedTranslation doesnt work.

What is my mistake?

The inventory API is not yet implemented so you will not be able to get it working just yet.

Ohh, i thought so.

Is there a time plan for the implementation?

@mumfrey has been working on it for a while now, there is no public branch of his work so I canā€™t see how close we are at the moment. I know he is often busy IRL but I hope to see something soonTM

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Chatter from SoS VI indicated that Mumfrey is very busy at present, so if he hasnā€™t the time to wrap up the Inventory implementation then Zidane and Blood will do it themselves. (Unless there are any other eager volunteers?)


i donā€™t know how can i create an api for that, but i want help you for that, if you explain me how can i create an api (with exemple already exist, i can help, not specially for inventory but for anithingā€¦)

Fixed that for you.

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The InventoryAPI is already finished, itā€™s just not implemented. Have a look at the PR:

If you want to help out and feel your coding skills are good enough, then you can help getting the implementation of Data2.0 done: