Cross Server Chat - (Possibly Bungee)

I’m wanting to link up many functions of my server to other servers of mine, and I was wondering if any of you know of any plugins that will link up functions such as chat, economy, or ban management to other servers. I am a where that some of these functions can be done through MySQL but I would prefer bungee for at least hooking up chat.

I know it might sound a bit confusing so let me apologize for that. Any help on this subject would benefit me very much.


Hm, you could always sync them up to a common IRC channel.

Give CraftIRC - An IRC-minecraft relay plugin [API 5.0.0] a go?

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tl;dr IRC would work, and be the best bet if you don’t have development or don’t see yourself getting big anytime soon. However I have a crazy idea about using a message broker.

MySQL probably wouldn’t be a good choice, and IRC could also have other sources of data. Frankly I’ve never been happy with either solution here. I mean I guess you could use something like MongoDB, but administering that will be a giant PITA once you get bigger without data loss. (Unless you don’t care about that thing, or are just really good at running mongodb).

Honestly (and how now one else has implemented this afaik baffles me). Using a message brokering service to play/recieve messages between multiple servers. (Side note: This would also be beautiful for syncing ban management. Someone should totally create a service where ban lists are shared, and you can choose who’s ban list you want to borrow, and have it all in sync with this message queue).

Anyway! If you’re really interested in it message queue service for chat. Would work great in my opinion.

The one I personally recommend (as I’ve used it for tons of other things) is apache kafka located HERE.
Although there are also some other cool choices out there like:
Kinesis - Managed by AWS (Incase you don’t want to run it yourself)
RabbitMQ - Pretty popular in ruby land. Though it is solid.
And tons more!

Of course if you don’t have the development on staff @ryantheleach 's idea of IRC channel works, and there’s a lot of people who do it. HOWEVER if you want to be cool, innovate, and build a system that scales well some sort of message broker/ anything really with a nice Multi Producer/Consumer model would work beautifully.