CubeEngine - Portals - Thinking with portals

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CubeEngine - Portals

Start thinking with portals


  • Create portals anywhere
  • Random destinations
  • One-way portals




Command Description Permission
portals The portal commands
portals create Creates a new Portal portals.create.use
portals debug Shows debug portal information instead of teleporting portals.debug.use
portals info Show info about a portal
portals list Lists the portals portals.list.use
portals modify modifies a portal
portals modify destination changes the destination of the selected portal portals.modify.destination.use
portals modify entity Toggles whether entities can teleport with this portal portals.modify.entity.use
portals modify exit Modifies the location where a player exits when teleporting a portal portals.modify.exit.use
portals modify location Changes a portals location portals.modify.location.use
portals modify owner Changes the owner of a portal portals.modify.owner.use
portals modify randdest Changes the destination of the selected portal to a random position each time portals.modify.randomDestination.use
portals modify togglesafe Toggles safe teleportation for this portal portals.modify.togglesafe.use
portals remove Removes a portal permanently portals.remove.use
portals select Selects an existing portal


The portal commands
Usage: portals
Alias: mvp
SubCommands: create debug info list modify remove select

portals create

Creates a new Portal
Usage: portals create <name> [destination]
Permission: cubeengine.portals.command.portals.create.use

portals debug

Shows debug portal information instead of teleporting
Usage: portals debug [isDebug]
Permission: cubeengine.portals.command.portals.debug.use

portals info

Show info about a portal
Usage: portals info [portal]

portals list

Lists the portals
Usage: portals list [world]
Permission: cubeengine.portals.command.portals.list.use

portals modify

modifies a portal
Usage: portals modify
SubCommands: destination entity exit location owner randdest togglesafe

portals modify destination

changes the destination of the selected portal
Usage: portals modify destination <here|<world>|p:<portal>> [portal]
Alias: dest
Permission: cubeengine.portals.command.portals.modify.destination.use

portals modify entity

Toggles whether entities can teleport with this portal
Usage: portals modify entity [portal]
Permission: cubeengine.portals.command.portals.modify.entity.use

portals modify exit

Modifies the location where a player exits when teleporting a portal
Usage: portals modify exit [portal]
Permission: cubeengine.portals.command.portals.modify.exit.use

portals modify location

Changes a portals location
Usage: portals modify location [portal]
Permission: cubeengine.portals.command.portals.modify.location.use

portals modify owner

Changes the owner of a portal
Usage: portals modify owner <owner> [portal]
Permission: cubeengine.portals.command.portals.modify.owner.use

portals modify randdest

Changes the destination of the selected portal to a random position each time
Usage: portals modify randdest <world> [portal]
Alias: randomdestination
Permission: cubeengine.portals.command.portals.modify.randomDestination.use

portals modify togglesafe

Toggles safe teleportation for this portal
Usage: portals modify togglesafe [portal]
Permission: cubeengine.portals.command.portals.modify.togglesafe.use

portals remove

Removes a portal permanently
Usage: portals remove [portal]
Permission: cubeengine.portals.command.portals.remove.use

portals select

Selects an existing portal
Usage: portals select <portal>


Permission Description
cubeengine.portals Base Permission for Portals

Anyone can help me how can i make a RTP portal with this CubeEngine-Portals and i also have /rtp allowded and the name of my Overworld is world . Please help me anyone :pray: