Custom Data for block?

Hello, i’m not very good in Java, but i try, i to have put a proprieties on a chest to get if it’s a treasure chest. i wan’t to keep it if the server down, how can i do it? Data manipulator, and how? (i’m not good in this part of java, if you can take the time to explain me, it’ll be perfect, thx)

Then look into tutorials. Modding and plugin-ing is one of the worst ways to learn Java, as it is convoluted with style and techniques used in the api you are using.

Nope, the DataAPI is something for Sponge, it’s not a Java feature…

It’s quite difficult to explain. You basically have to implement the different aspects of the DataAPI. Personally, I’ve implemented a functional SingleListData, which is data that represents a list of one type of value. This is the only data I know how to implement, and if you’d like to look at it it is available on github. In addition a CustomData plugin is planned to be added to the SpongeAPI examples repository.

Last I heard, Custom Data Manipulators weren’t working for tile entities, but that could be fixed now.

I’ve been using custom data manipulators in tile entities for a little while without any problems.

Then they should be fine