[Discontinued] 🗓 Calendar + Time controller [v3.2] [FR/EN]

Your JSON had an error.

	"worlds": {
		"PWRegion1": {
			"week": 0,
			"months": [{
				"weeks": 4,
				"name": "January"
			}, {
				"weeks": 3,
				"name": "February"
			}, {
				"weeks": 5,
				"name": "March"
			}, {
				"weeks": 4,
				"name": "April"
			}, {
				"weeks": 5,
				"name": "May"
			}, {
				"weeks": 4,
				"name": "June"
			}, {
				"weeks": 5,
				"name": "July"
			}, {
				"weeks": 4,
				"name": "August"
			}, {
				"weeks": 4,
				"name": "September"
			}, {
				"weeks": 5,
				"name": "October"
			}, {
				"weeks": 4,
				"name": "November"
			}, {
				"weeks": 5,
				"name": "December"
			"month": 0,
			"year": 0,
			"days": [
			"day": 1,
			"dayCycle": 324000,
			"nightCycle": 108000,
			"startYear": -200
	"formats": {
		"time": "&8<&bTime&3: &e%HH&6:&e%mm &8|| &bDate&3: &e%dd&6/&e%MM&6/&e%yy&8>",
		"day": "&8<&bDate&3: &e%dd&6/&e%MM&6/&e%yy&8>"

Works like a charm! Thanks a ton!
Can’t wait 'til you add date-based commands/events - keep up the great work!


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Can’t wait 'till you change over to HOCON, either.

I’ll add a command to convert the file to HOCON. Probably tomorrow.

Update v3.1

  • New command /cld file calendar setFormat [JSON/HOCON/YAML].

@pie_flavor you can change it to HOCON now.

Require DjxyCore


@djxy, As of the 3.0 and 3.1 updates the fix you implemented for this is no longer in effect. Any chance you could take a look?

Thanks a ton!
~ WryWolfy

Sorry for the bug, I will check that this week end.

Pretty stellar concept! I think this will be great if it’s like I imagined it. In Elder scrolls there are days displayed like s broadcast message "Midas, Tirdas, etc. maybe it can be like a clickable json message, once you click the broadcast you can add a small little message about that day/season.

Hi again - I’ve been working with permissions on my server and noticed that there is no permission node for the /cld or /calendar command. Is there any chance you could implement this? I’m trying to implement a fancy setup which allows the player to right-click using a clock to see the time and date - otherwise players are unable to use the command.

Thanks for your time,
~ WryWolfy

The permission for /cld set time is calendar.set.time

Thanks for the response, but I mean (/cld), not (/cld set). I’m refering to the base command which prints to the user’s chat the time and date of the server.

You want a permission to use this command /cld?

EDIT: I could add one.

Yes, that is what I was hoping for. =]

I’m developing an RP server so it’d be very useful.

Okay, give me 2 min.

Update v3.2

  • The command /cld or /calendar now require the permission calendar.get.time

Require DjxyCore


Awesome - Thanks a ton!

Can’t wait for the doDaylightCycle bugfix!

Keep up the awesome work,
~ WryWolfy

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Yes, I forget the bug. I will try to check that tomorrow.

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Can you make it so that command blocks output to comparators a 1 to 16 value representing the percent of the day that has passed?

Not sure to understand.

Like, if the day is sixteen minutes long, a command block running /cld would output what minute it is. If the day is twelve hours long, a command block running /cld would output 4 at 3 hours, 8 at 6 hours, etc. Whatever percentage the day is at, that’s how much of a charge comparators running off the command block output.