[DISCONTINUED] EssentialCmds [v8.1.14]

/time day, /time set 0, /weather clear
I haven’t found a command that works. It just tells me a player must run the command in game.

I’m still blown away by this great plugin.
But, I’m in a bit of trouble. I’m working with mostly commandblocks
and I really need the possibility to use the /sudo command with a commandblock
and could you add an configuration file for translating the messages.

Well none of these would work from console without specifying a world now would they…

Command blocks iirc only support vanilla commands. Instead, try using commandsigns.

I will try to see if I can make a way to support other languages soon

I’m not sure if I’m missing something obvious, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to extend the /tpa request timeout limit from the 10 seconds default. I’ve looked all through the configs and I can’t find the field.

config.conf under "teleport", "cooldown", "timer"

Oh! Thank you so much! I’ve been copying and reformatting the config since there was just the one config file, so it never generated that variable! Thank you!

Missing permission node “essentialcmds.warp.set” in the Permissions section.

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They also need the permission node essentialcmds.lore.use

Hey, so I’ve created a new world, and when I did, I specified the gamemode to be “Creative”.

When anyone enters the world, their gamemode isn’t changed…

Later, I tried to set the gamemode again, and a success message appeared, but people still don’t get creative modes when they /tpworld there…

Also; quick question, is there any way to separate inventories between worlds?

Sponge Build: spongevanilla-1.8.9-3.1.0-BETA-248
PermissionsEx-Sponge Build 114

I am working on this.

This is a known issue. I think I have to set it manually, and will be pushing a new build of EssentialCmds with a fix.

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Thanks so much, especially for the quick reply!

Release v7.5b:

Tested on SpongeForge 1159


  • Bug fixes regarding gamemodes not changing between worlds.

Possible to add a login timeout? So people just don’t leave and join in constantly to spam? Could this be configurable in the config? Thanks!

Good idea! Will be trying to add this soon

Hello I am here to tell you some suggestions/bugs about your plugin.
When I do /afk it is supposed to do this in chat.
*ProfessorOak is now AFK

However when I do the command it does nothing, may you fix this?

It seems /seen does not work whilist a player is offline, can you make it so that it does? However a user must of logged in beforehand. When using {/seen} on a offline player, would show you how long the user had been offline for.

Hopefully you can add a /list that shows players with nick’s arranged in a rank format like so… {would bind to pex}
Admin: xxx
Mod: xxx,fff,ggg,hhh

Thank you.

Release v7.5c:

Tested on SpongeForge 1159


  • Bug fixes with /afk
  • Added /list


  • /list - Lists all players online on the server in a list organized by group.


  • essentialcmds.list.use
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./afk still does not show up the following message in chat when input.
*@p is now AFK

./list shows the following when input

I have no idea why it does this, able to help? I only wish to see the /list and everyone who is online. Xynar_ is the server owner if any questions appear about that.

Also may you input a system like bukkit essentials, that hooks into pex to use color codes in chat? It would simply be adding a color code into the config after some sort of grouping like so:


of course this is just the idea of it. The owner would gain a light blue message when talking into chat.

Another Idea I had in mind is a default color for new players without access to /nick. They are always white and I wish to change them to a different color such as orange. Maybe a .cfg option?
Thanks for letting me share this with you.

Is the server in offline mode?

I get the same problem. With both Help and List.

