[Discontinued] Polis [v2.7.0]

Okay, looking into it

Release v1.5f:

Tested on SpongeForge 941


  • This release brings compatibility with SpongeForge 941.

Enjoy this update! :smile:

Can something be done to prevent harm to neutral / tamed mobs (villagers, wolves, cats, horses) in safezone?

Not a bad idea - I’ll work on this soon.

Release v1.6:

Tested on SpongeForge 949


  • This release brings minor bug fixes regarding /polis list
  • This release adds the command /polis help

Enjoy this update! :smile:

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This could be the fact that you have WinterWonderLand installed.

Is there a claim cap ? Allowing player to claim “n” chunks and no more, and maybe this could be cumulative regarding of the number of people of you town.

It will become Economy based soon.

Okay! :slight_smile: good to know ^^

I just hope this will become fast! :smile:

Is this possible to configure a town to be allied with all people ?

No not yet, might add this soon.

/polis addusable does not work. I’ve tried /polis addusable minecraft:chest yet my friend still cant use it.

It’s been verified to work by a few people, not sure what you mean specifically…

Have you ensured the block ID for a chest is minecraft:chest? I’d recommend using /blockinfo from EssentialCmds. Are there any other protections involved besides Polis? In addition, this is for a SafeZone, correct?

It now works for minecraft items. I may have just entered something wrong but now it doesn’t work for mod items. Such as a Pixelmon PC. Im doing the following commands.

/polis addusable pixelmon:Healer

Pixelmon has the held item of a healer in the item format. So the item id for a healer in hand would be pixelmon:item.Healer but when placed, Waila tells me pixelmon:Healer so i try both but nothing works.

This is for a SafeZone.

Use /blockinfo from EssentialCmds - you’re using the wrong ID.

Okay thanks. By any chance can you make it to allow all Npcs?

How is my plugin meant to know what you’re interacting with is an NPC auto-magically?

You can use /polis addusable and input the name of the Entity - to get the name just use /entityinfo while looking at the block below a NPC Entity, like a Villager

Hey Hassan, great plugin but i’m wondering if you could add some sort of admin bypass into so that my staff can get into other people claims and access there things, thanks :smile:

Will do that today

EDIT: Done, checkout version 1.7

There are some random times when players get spammed saying that “This land is claimed”.

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