Doctor Who

I liked Missy. She made a good incarnation of the Master.
I was surprised that they killed her off though…

I know capaldi, the philisophical traits behind his character are of interest, but i prefer (so far) David Tennant as the 10th doctor. Not that i would ever think of not watching though, the show is still the best.

I watch on demand aprox. 1 week after, possibly more, and have not seen that, and besides its not like they have not killed of the master or the daleks, or cybermen etc. before. Despite Rose using the heart of the TARDIS to destroy every existence, past, present, and future of the Daleks, they still manage to return.

Well the Daleks have been around since episode two of the first Doctor, so I don’t see them killing them off forever anytime soon.

OK this is completely true = #DavidTennantAreBest
Reason=Tennant R best

Capaldi is more of too serious for me…Or I just don’t like him.I can’t tell. It might be both.