DTCommands - A Custom Link Command Plugin


DTCommands is a simple configurable custom command plugin created for my Community, DragonTechMC.

This plugin should work on all versions of API 5, 6 and 7.

:tada: Features:

  • Configurable commands which creates clickable text which leads to links. (Example: If configured to; a player can do a command such as /member, which when triggered could say in chat Click here to learn how to become a Member and it could trigger opening a link which would send you to our Wiki page.)
  • Permissions for each command.
  • Reload commands to quickly add new links - /reloadcommands

Please note that this plugin requires you to create your own config; Example

:arrow_down: Download

:floppy_disk: Source

:x: Issues

Please post any issues you find on our Github.

:speech_balloon: Community Discord

:busts_in_silhouette: Community Website

:moneybag: Community Patreon


For any questions or queries, do not hesitate to post below, PM me or message me on Discord (yepidoodles#5971).

Alice Sellars

Other plugins by DragonTechMC:

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So this pluggin only allows players to access links with β€œany” command?

Is this going to allow custom commands? such as β€œ/member {player}” which can be given to staff to give mmebr rank out?

Its a little confusing the purpose/point of this plugin from the description.

The only function is to provide links, so if a player does /member it says in chat Click here to learn how to become a Member and it sends you to our Wiki page.

If you want to rank up players, you should use the Promote or Rankup feature on your Permissions Plugin, or use a specific plugin for ranking up.

I shall add the example above to the main description.

Let me know if you have any other questions :slight_smile:

  • Alice Sellars
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