Enjin CMS + DonationCraft Plugin [v3.4.3] API [5.x, 6.x, 7.x]

So voting is apparently broken on all forms. Has anyone been able to make it work?

Voting works fine for me. Perhaps your votifier isn’t updated or something?

I was using the one with this plugin then tried NuVotifier. Neither worked for me.

I’m using NuVotifier as well and it’s working though. Have you checked the public keys and stuff

Yes, according to a vote test, the vote is successful, but with debug mode, there is no confirmation from anything about a vote.

Hey there, it may be something web side that isn’t working for your case. The plugin simply forwards the votes. I highly recommend submitting a support ticket on our website.

#Version 3.0.8 released

  • Add support for PermissionManager
  • Temporarily disable stats integration
  • Potential shop item list fix
  • A few other miscellaneous changes

###Download Enjin Plugin v3.0.8

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I tested this with fresh configs, and it still doesn’t seem to fix the /buy issue.

I’ve suggested url support long ago but I guess that got left out of the update XD

I have been trying to use the plugin “Project borders” for the past few days, but the pre-gen progress was not showing up in console, so I removed all plugins one by one and it turns out EMPsponge was the cause for it not showing up in console. I’m not sure if there is any way to fix this, but I thought I would let you guys know anyways.

#Version 3.0.9 released

  • Detect heads directly above a stat sign

###Download Enjin Plugin v3.0.9

This version is laggy. For some reason using this causes ticks to drop down and fluctuate from 3-8 but when I use 3.0.8 this does not happen. I do not have any stat signs or heads placed btw so I thought it wouldn’t affect me.

Yeah still the same internal server issue from the heads. Probably because of Sponge api not being implemented?

Can you give me a pastebin of the error. Need to see what it says again and see if anything has changed since the previous version.

Heree’s an error during initialization, I have EMP 3.0.9

Can you send a paste of the contents of the rank updates configuration file?

I actually just deleted the folder and let it regenerate. Solved the issue. When I looked at it, it’s just said null a bunch of times.

That is very strange, I’ll have to look into this more.

Alright, it happened when I updated to 3.0.9. And really pissed off the plugin xD

I’m experiencing connectivity issues with the plugin, specifically with donation automation. Even though the plugin appears to be connected, it’s not automating donations unless I refresh the connectivity by regenerating the key. Using 3.0.9.