[DISCONTINUED] EssentialCmds [v8.1.14]

Specific please, what spongeforge version and what forge version.

I tried the 1.8.9 - 4.2.0-BETA-1693
And the hosting site recommanded the spongeforge-1.8.9-1722-3.1.0-BETA-1136

Yeah, your hosting company is a bit of an idiot. Sponge has evolved a lot over the past months, and that version is no way near the stability of the latest releases. Plus, no plugins here will work with it - API changed ever since 3.1.

If you are using 1693, then you need Forge 1890+ I believe. If you are still having issues, please head to Sponge Support forum for it.

so should i use sponge version 1693

Yes, with it’s corresponding Forge.
Head to here and make a post please, you’ll get more relevant help:

Ok i did it and ask for the right version for pixelmon.

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Always ignore what version of Forge Pixelmon requires as that is only the minimum version required, any issues with newer Forge and Pixelmon would be client-only

java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to java.lang.Stringat org.spongepowered.mod.plugin.SpongeModPluginContainer.getSortingRules(SpongeModPluginContainer.java:174) ~[SpongeModPluginContainer.class:1.8.9-1722-3.1.0-BETA-1136]at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.sortModList(Loader.java:303) ~[Loader.class:?]at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.loadMods(Loader.java:492) ~[Loader.class:?]at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading(FMLServerHandler.java:87) ~[FMLServerHandler.class:?]at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart(FMLCommonHandler.java:320) ~[FMLCommonHandler.class:?]at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b(DedicatedServer.java:112) ~[ko.class:?]at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:441) [MinecraftServer.class:?]at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:1.8.0_92][23:16:14] [Server thread/ERROR]: This crash report has been saved to: /home/minecraft/servers/mine97881/./crash-reports/crash-2016-08-31_23.16.14-server.txt

This is what its keeps saying

This is the problem. You’re still using the very very old version of Sponge.
To Fix (as stated above): get SpongeForge build 1693 and make sure Forge version 1890 is installed. Also make sure you remove old versions of SpongeForge!


Thank You It worked

PEX Groups (EX: Owner) with full perms don’t get warp perms for ranks outside of their line.

Line 1: Trainer > Ace > Veteran > Legendary
Line 2: Trainer > Trial-Mod > Moderator > Admin > Owner

Even though Owner is set to have all perms, it doesnt have /warp Legendary while Legendary rank has it.

They won’t inherit the permissions unless the group parent is set explicitly - rank trees don’t confer inheritance. What permissions does the group Owner have for warps? Are you using default true permissions for the group or specific ones?

Hey, is there anything to limit the amount of homes players have? maybe with permissions, or the config

Using latest -14.

Error occurred while executing command: For input string: “dd901be7ff6c.dat.tmp”

And in console

Error occurred while executing command ‘ban a’ for source EntityPlayerMP[‘DiamondArrow’/4530, l=‘world’, x=19368.38, y=76.38, z=-39023.61]: For input string: “dd901be7ff6c.dat.tmp”

everytime I /ban or /unban . Ban-ip works though.
This happened when my sever partition ran out of memory which caused world saving errors as well as also messing up some of my other plugins.

Update: It seems to be something wrong with the world, since loading up a new world works perfectly fine

Is there a permissions to by-pass gamemode change on go to other worlds?

I tryed essentialcmds.world.setgamemode but still changing me from gm 1 to 0 on i teleport to other worlds.

Whenever I create a warp, it says “warp created” then when I type “/warps” I see it on the list, but if I click the text, or manually type it out, it tells me the warp doesn’t exist. This was an issue on the last EssentialCmds too, but I upgraded to the newest version before commenting.

[EDIT] I’m using EssentialCmds-1.8.9-8.1.14-universal, and Sponeforge-1.8.9-1890-4.2.0-BETA-1653, no other “essentials” like plugins.

I need help with this plugin.Every time i load it up it loads but it acts like its not even there.I cant use any commands or anything. :confused: PLS help me

is there a permission for a safe login when you have /fly turned on?

also you don’t have a /give command on your list up the top of the page, members can do this command, what is the permission to turn this off?

Feature request: Possibility to change how the playername is displayed. For example a GRAY playername. Or a BOLD YELLOW one. We can already add prefixes/suffixes/change the < and > Why not the playername?

is there another forum that is used? looks like this one is dead and can’t get any help here