"Foundation" - Common APIs and Plugin Infrastructure Manager

Something that @octoshrimpy brought up here concerning an ideal way to modularize Essentials or ess-like plugins would be to have config options or separate config for enabling and disabling more specific functional groups (more specific than the modules themselves, that is), so long as there’s a way to prevent the disabled functions from using much memory. If possible, it may be worth doing, if you’re inclined. It may also save people the trouble of handling permissions for those functions if they don’t want to use them, and may alleviate some pressure on modularizing them into separate .jars entirely (people are probably always going to ask for more modularized or specific modules with that setup)

So far it sounds good though. I’m assuming warps would be included in Teleportation? And rather than just Jail, would it be worth implementing general user management into that module? So the ability to ignore users? I’d say bans as well like Essentials did, but vanilla has implemented most of the features Essentials did. Is IP banning a thing in vanilla? Also, an IP/username cross reference command might be helpful. Was something I did with the first plugin I ever wrote was persist files for users per ip and ips per user so that you could search alts a bit easier. Was about like Ess’s /seen command I guess.

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