"Foundation" - Common APIs and Plugin Infrastructure Manager

Homes, regions, warps etc. are possible.

So… pretty much like Vault?

Yes, but it’s way more extended (Teleportation, Permissions, Scripting and also helper classes).

Looks very cool :wink:


  • Provide shortcuts for important things, currently you must scroll down
  • The last section is hard to read, to dark

You you think Foundation wil become something like BKcommondsLIB then? And FoundationCore something like Essentials/UltimateCore?

@Kornagan It looks pretty nice ;). I’m currently doing some core and utility stuff, but i’ll be helping you with the API design.

Be back on Tuesday.

Nice men , its a great project , I Love it!

Ready to begin developing again.

I can practically hear eclipse starting up.

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@Kornagan I just came back from London, i’ll be working on the project again.

I don’t think jails are needed…
They are pretty much teleport, block events, teleport out

It’ll be modularized, so no reason to install it if you don’t find it necessary, but several people do seem to need it. If for no other reason than an intermediary zone between being in trouble and banned.

Hello there, my first post, and I just signed up too :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t seem to figure out how to send private messages? But nonetheless I would like to contribute to this project, by joining it, if you are still looking for developers that is? I know I am not that good at java, yet, but I’ve been programming for years in C# .Net, on a Application Framework with a friend.

I am a self taught developer, started with C/C++, moved on to C#. Net, dabbled in various other languages. My guess would be that I have been programming, for about 16 years in total…Albeit my first few endeavours with the Moscow ML language at university, did nothing to further my skills. At that point in time my brain could not fathom programming at all.

So after a year of being enrolled as a computer scientist, I dropped out of university. Never gave up on programming though, and eventually learned myself the aforementioned C/C++. Later enrolled at another university (Not computer science but still heavily programming oriented) studying something called Medialogy. Dropped out of that too (After not learning anything new programming wise, I hadn’t already taught myself), because of mental health issues. Stress from exams, proved to much for my mental health.

As a consequence I can not currently get an education nor work, except on hobby projects (Thank the gods for social security in Denmark, and my disability check). I find myself with quite a lot of spare time for hobby projects, especially now since my partner in the Framework is heavily burdened by getting himself an education.

I therefore humbly ask to be a part of this project, as it seems very promising, and along the lines of what I myself would like to make.

As I said I have a lot of sparetime, and can dedicate quite a lot of time on a project/projects.

Hope my rant wasn’t too long, but I feel like I needed to tell something about myself.


Okay, so, to the point:
I quit. I’m honestly bored of working on foundation and I wish you all the best of luck.

ButterDev out.

@Exstar @Kornagan

Well the post is nearly.

@Kornagan @IronManDoesMC I’ve been busy for the last few weeks. I hope it isn’t dead!

I still support the project. So it’s not dead. Yet. Foundation lives on!!

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I think that you guys and lapis should work together

I think it’s been determined a few times that their aim slightly differs, mostly, as far as I can recall, to the presence of modules that will be provided with one or the other to make it more of an ‘Essentials’ type plugin.

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@OffLuffy True.

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