[GAME] That moment when

Not nearly as epic as @meguy26’s necro.

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That moment when @Tzk fails.

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That moment when I’m sorry for that epic necro and should probably read the silly post times before responding (this is 25 minutes after @Saladoc’s post)

That moment when @Saladoc just fails to notice the irony, but @gabizou gets it :stuck_out_tongue:

That moment Zach realizes he is now being watched by the NSA


That moment when you spend 30 minutes writing code for a code golf challenge only to find someone else posted the exact same code.

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That moment @BitByte has to resort to ask a “stupid question” in the Forum in order to solve his crossword puzzle :sunglasses:

And with regards to necro …

That moment when you/one realize(s) you’re not/one isn’t
necrotic but merely a phobic neurotic

That moment when you have no idea what @Toothpick just said, but it looks like an insult of some sort maybe

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That moment when you/one can rest assured that there was no intention to insult anyone

That moment when:
phobic neurosis - an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations; “phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias” phobia, phobic disorder. anxiety disorder - a cover term for a variety of mental disorders in which severe anxiety is a salient symptom.” - Google
and I was just adding on to the that moment when conversation and didn’t feel really insulted…
:sunny: :smile: :smiley:

That moment when he removed it :’(

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That moment when no shits are given.

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That moment when your little sister is using your laptop and asks “What does formatting C drive mean?”

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That moment when I can’t stop making memes

Ayy lmao

that moment

That moment when you finally get around to changing your laptop’s BIOS settings to disable the need to hold the Fn key for the Function keys.

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That moment when you necro post


That moment when a git rebase spectacularly failed

<Spongie> [SpongeDocs] R​obertHerhold pushed 197 commits to textRepresentations: http://git.io/vzfPk

No repos were harmed during the filming of this quote. It got better.


That moment when this ^ happens and you screw your own branch up just seconds after it happened.

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