[GAME] That moment when

That moment when you realise you need internet to download Ethernet drivers.


That moment when you just completed writing a post then you notice that someone else has written the exact same thing.


That moment when someone complains about Sponge not working for their server.

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That moment when your client changes the target platform in the middle of a project.

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The moment when you realize that you forgot the other > in your head tag on your website Gosh dang it


That moment when you’ve read literally every post on the forums and all you do is check for new posts every half-hour or so…


That moment when you find out you’re not the only one who has read all the topics on the forums and constantly check for new posts.


That moment when after reading almost every post on the forum and you get reader after you get Regular


That moment when there are no new posts for you to read on the forums and you are bored as heck. Speaking of that here’s a new post, your welcome.


The moment when you realize @BitByte is board


The moment when @DotDash doesn’t obey the rules

That moment when bored is not spelled correctly

That moment when no one cares whether or not bored is spelled right.

That moment when @The_Doctors_Life starts posting memes. Hey that looks like fun! Let me try!

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That moment when @The_Doctors_Life’s markdown emboldening fails because of a space in front of the asterisks at the end.

The moment when @The_Doctors_Life looks through his posts and sees no such thing

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The moment when it is obvious someone is messing with you and changing your posts after you know they work.

That moment when conversations start in the ends of post and you feel that the thread needs a OOC place for those things.

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That moment when everyone uses I wish you thought that through to many times on the corrupt-a-wish thread.