For some reason this doesn’t fire:
@Listener public void onServerStop(GameStoppingServerEvent e) {}
Is it not implemented or did I miss something?
Tested on SpongeForge 979.
For some reason this doesn’t fire:
@Listener public void onServerStop(GameStoppingServerEvent e) {}
Is it not implemented or did I miss something?
Tested on SpongeForge 979.
It’s not implemented. I have a PR that will implement it.
EDIT: Sorry, I read the post wrong. It is implemented.
Event is implemented, and is working. As I said in the GitHub issue it could be that your event handler method is not public
Also if it’s not in the main class it must be registered with the event manager.
I can confirm that this event is working great! (Tested with Sponge 976, but i don’t think someone removed the implementation in 979^^)