Getting a Player's Display Name

I’m using Player.getDisplayNameData to get a player’s display name, but it tries to call get on an Absent if the player has no custom display name.

Yet this issue specifically states that the DisplayNameData is implemented.

Hmm, it should be implented, as shown here:

Have you tried using player.get(Keys.DISPLAY_NAME) if you’re just wanting to get the display name?

Your problem is that if the player does not have a custom display name, it returns absent. Players don’t have custom display names.

So should I instead use getOrCreate?

Edit: I fixed it, what I did was the following…

Optional<DisplayNameData> data;
if ((data = player.get(DisplayNameData.class)).isPresent())
    return data.get().displayName().get();
    return Texts.of(player.getName());