Gradle Project with path ':SpongeCommon' could not be found in project ':Sponge'

I found a fix for this, you need to paste the following code into your build.gradle file and then run ‘gradlew setupdevworkspace’ to apply the new access transformer.

// Apply the access transformers of the subprojects
subprojects.each {
	it.sourceSets.main.resources.files.each {
		if ('_at.cfg')) {
			logger.lifecycle('Found AccessTransformer in dependency resources: $')

@Cybermaxke Shouldn’t setupDecompWorkspace apply that fix too?

@CrazyPyroEagle Yes, but ‘setupdevworkspace’ is faster. :wink:

Using gradle setupDecompWorkspace is always recommended for a few reasons.

  • De-obfuscates the code
  • If errors occur, the stacktraces are human-readable-ish

gradle setupDevWorkspace is indeed faster, but doesn’t work properly if you intend to contribute to Sponge, or want to have any idea why your plugin is breaking.