GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

Error in spongeforge-1.10.2-API6.0.0-BETA-1874
FlatFileDatasource error in console.

Full error code :

2 errors in sporeforge-1.10.2-API6.0.0-BETA-1874.

Detail list error :
Could not pass CollideBlockEvent and UnloadWorldEvent in console.

Full error list code : and

Thank you very much. Please fix error for spongeforge latest version.

Thank you very much for fix error.
Blacklist world in config. blacklist is player can not claim all area in another world from blacklist world.

Mini Example :
World name = world. Player can not claim all area in world.
World name = HomeZone. Player can claim all area in HomeZone.

You can already do this using world context in your permission plugin. Deny the "griefprevention.claim.create’ permission in the world you do not want players to claim in. Read your permission plugin docs on how to do this.

once i set up a claim it doesnt do anything like it saves the claim but anyone can break in it.
And i havent given anyone any perms or changed config or flags
im also using spongeforge 1844


Currently running a 1.10.2 Pixelmon Server Running Pixelmon BETA 10.
I have a area that should not allow players to throw out/spawn pokemon they own. I have a adminclaim and a subdivided claim in it. The subdivided claim is where players should not throw out/spawn Pokemon.

I did the following command you said,

And Got this:

So assuming removing the .charmander from the permission above will make a wildcard and making it -1 will make no one able to throw out/spawn Pokemon.

This did indeed work for about 5 minutes. Any Pokemon were not able to spawn or be thrown out by players in that specific area. Then it just stopped working out of nowhere.

Restarting the server fixes the issue then it just breaks again after 2 - 5 minutes.

Can I get any help on this? Thanks!

Forge: 2107 (1.10.2) SpongeForge: 1872 (API 6.0.0) GP: 1.10.2- Pixelmon: 5.0.0 BETA 10 (1.10.2)

This issue is resolved in pixelmon beta 11 so you just have to wait.

It seems many GP users are still unaware of the Discord channel specified in topic. Here is a link to the discord channel if you need faster help or simply want to talk to other admins that are using GP.

Players cant eat non-vanilla food on claims. How can this be fixed

This plugins. Can set limit claim block in per group in permission ?

Mini example :
Group Member, limit claim block 400
Group Vip1, limit claim block 1600

Thank you every comment.

I need set max claim blocks in specfic group in permissionmanager.

Example :
Group Member, Max claim block 400
Group VIP1, Max claim block 1600

I need help. Thank you very much.

I keep getting this error on server stop. Doesn’t seem to be causing any issues that I can tell…

You are using an outdated build. Update to latest GP and SF.

1 Like

This is being added to next build as well as many other new options.

Use the interact-item-secondary flag to deny whatever you want.

Would I have to put down the interact-item-secondary flag for every single food item?

Is there a way to edit it so chest and other items do not auto claim an area around it? if so what do I edit in the configs?

    # Radius used for auto-created claims

Which file is that in under configs?

Edit: I got it never mind, thank you Snow

Is it possible for me to restrict a area to only let players in Only if they are holding a select block. For example a dirt block, also is it possible for me to make it so if they are holding something other than the dirt block they cant get in?