GriefPrevention Official Thread [1.10/1.11/1.12] TOWN/WECUI Support

Why does /containertrust and /accesstrust not work for defaults? I have everything setup, i just want them to be able to use containerst on admin land so players can check their enderchest and stuff like that in the admin spawn

When it comes to Leads how do you disable them for use in a claim so they cannot be used to grab a NPC or animal

I get this when I pull out the Golden Shovel. I try to claim but it completely ignores what I am claiming and still states it as 'Wilderness". Could I be doing something wrong?

Taken from fml-server-latest.log

GP: 1.10.2-
SpongeForge: 1890 (API 6.0.0)

So I am not sure if this is an issue with the plugin or an issue with buycraft. However I am running 1.10 Minecraft on Spongeforge and when my buycraft attempts to run acb on a player through console they do not receive thier claim blocks.

Request for entity-spawn-natural so players can allow or disallow spawns of natural mobs being spawned in land, but still allowing owned entitys to spawn.

Hey @blood I am having issues with players throwing out pokemon in grief prevention claims on 1.10.2 Pixelmon and 1.10.2 GP. Any thoughts? =)

im wondering the same thing, i dont want players to be able to use leads in an admin claim, any luck on this?

No, you would have to handle this with a custom plugin using the MoveEntityEvent.

If you want all players to be able to check inventory containers then simply use ‘/ct public’ while standing in the admin claim or ‘/at public’ if you only want to allow players to be able to interact with buttons, doors, etc… If you need more complex permissions then you need to use the flag system which is designed for more advanced user management.

If you want to disable leads in a specific claim then enter

‘/cf interact-item-secondary minecraft:lead false’

If you want to disable leads in all claims of a specific type such as basic then you would enter

‘/cf interact-item-secondary minecraft:lead false override’

Note: These need to be entered while standing in the claim.

Looks like 1890 may have issues due to some plugin code changes. Try the previous 6.0.0 build or latest 5.1.0 build.

This should be fixed next build.

Provide LP debug log by using ‘/lp verbose true playername’ as you are attempting to toss out a pixelmon.

For faster responses to questions, I highly recommend you all join GP’s discord which can be found in topic.

Just in case anyone else is experiencing this issue in non-wilderness claims. Do the following to fix it

Stand in a BASIC and ADMIN claim then type the following

‘/cf entity-spawn pixelmon:occupiedpokeball true override’

‘/cf projectile-impact-block any true override’
Note: This is a temporary fix until I push next GP update which introduces sources.

This will always allow players to toss their pokeballs within basic and admin claims.


Can you set max cliam blocks in many group ?
Example : member 400, vip1 800, vip2 1600

I am either overlooking something or the feature no longer exists but is there a way of limiting the maximum claim a player can have? As i cant see anything apart from the initial auto claim size.

Also what happened to the earning more blocks per hour etc etc

and the claimbook does not work throws continual errors

Using the latest version of GP.

Claim size, limits, expiration’s, block accrual, etc… have all been moved to options. Read the changelog. If you need more help then join GP’s discord.

The plugin has the ability to build the city, but you can not create a group for each city, with the general chat city & prefixes.
I would like more opportunities for the building of the city.
Also, the latest build does not support the 1.11 version will soon be supporting?

Towns and 1.11 are planned, blood has been working on separating simple things such as /accesstrust from the claim flag system, which can now be configured down to a pretty fine point

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How do I allow players to activate redstone in a claim? I have an admin claim that uses command blocks with pressure plates. I got the pressure plates to work with flags but redstone and command blocks aren’t being activated.

/accesstrust public - This will give players access to interact with anything except inventory.
/containertrust public - This will give accesstrust + inventory access.
/trust public - This will give access + container + ability to break/build in claims.

GP 1.11 is now available. Grab build 142.

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I use 1.10.2 build 144 command /cog and /cop not working unknown command.

Max claim block not working. I don’t understand. I try. Please help me

File permissionmanager :

  • griefprevention.claim.command.abandon
  • griefprevention.claim.command.abandon-all
    prefix: ‘&0[&7Trainer&0]’
    home-count: ‘1’
    - griefprevention.claim.create
    - griefprevention.blocks-accrued-per-hour
    - griefprevention.initial-claim-blocks
    - griefprevention.create-claim-limit
    - griefprevention.max-accrued-claim-blocks
    griefprevention.blocks-accrued-per-hour: ‘0’
    griefprevention.initial-claim-blocks: ‘100’
    griefprevention.create-claim-limit: ‘400’
    griefprevention.max-accrued-claim-blocks: ‘400’
    default: true

Try latest GP build. If it doesn’t work, test with LuckPerms. It has a migration tool.

GP 144 is bugged.