Helped me, sponge error

[Google trad]
I was using sponge 1.11.2 until now and I wanted to upgrade to sponge 1.12.2 and maliciously, its bug.

I use my minecraft_server mod by me, in 1.11.2 it worked great, just put my jar changes and worked.

in 1.12.2, I put my jar edit, and there I have this error message.

I looked at my code, I do not see anything special, I do not understand.
especially if i run minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar, i have no error and it works fine.

who could please me?

thank you in advance

Seems to be a mapping issue. Your mod is compiled using notch mappings but the server is using searge mappings at runtime. By the way, spongevanilla is designed to stay vanilla. If you want to modify the game you should really consider using forge and spongeforge.

What language do you speak?

I speak French,
thank you already for taking the time to answer me.
I code under vanilla, because I find more symphony than forge, and to avoid using what I code elsewhere, it is a private server creative.

I deob my files with the mcp tools. and in 1.11.2 it worked well, so I do not understand why anymore maintain.

on the other hand, if there is no real possibility, I think that I would see forging, but really as a last resort, because the id must block the same to avoid a tear map.

Make sure you’re using MCP 1.12.2 if you’re trying to run it on 1.12.2. The mod will need to be recompiled on each version of Minecraft.

I have updated my mod, I can connect to the server.jar mod with my vanilla mod, and everything works in vanilla, no error server vanilla, it’s his I do not understand :frowning:

if you need anything like code, I’ll put the code