How can I learn how to code a Sponge plugin?


Ok, so I’ve seen all this ruckus with the microsoft and bukkit and I’ve really wanted to help, so I’ve decided that I want to start to try coding plugins, but the thing is, I don’t know where to start. So do you guys think you can help me?


Learn Java first. Best way to learn it is by practice IMO. Just go out there, find yourself a tutorial of that basics that suits you and then try making your own projects. If you don’t know something, the interwebz are a great resource, especailly Then when sponge is ready, there will be tutorials out there how to get started. And if you have questions, there is always the Sponge IRC.


Thank you so very much! :slight_smile:

There should be some tutorials on the wiki. :smiley: Once sponge API is released and the wiki goes live that is.


Right now there’s no tutorials or anything because the API is incomplete. However I’m sure that when it is officially released and supported there will be a ton of awesome people making tutorials on it.

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  1. Learn Java
  2. Wait until the API is complete
  3. (If needed)Wait for tutorials
  4. Wait for implementation

I assume you’re not going to make pull requests, as they often do require more experience than just creating simple plugins. You’ll have to discuss about API design, wait and… wait more if you make PRs.

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Nothing beats reading source code

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@waicool20 There is something that can beat Source: exceptionally thorough documentation.

Sometimes not everything is documented like bukkits innards, everything reflection reflection that, had to search the forums for days :frowning: so yeah source code is still the best

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This is getting rather off-topic.

let me try putting it back on topic. note that i am assuming you know enough Java to make something simple, and if not then i suggest you do that first. there’re lots of sources of information online and on the youtubs if you don’t feel like buying those 2015-dictionary-sized books

its already well known that sponge is gonna take a little longer to bloom out its full-fledged api, so as a source of practice you might wanna try making some basic sample bukkit plugins and port them over once the api’s out.

it sounds stupid but thinking about it it gives you a chance to learn about how you can make your plugin and the whole refactoring process of porting it over lets you learn more about the sponge api.

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I find that just trial & error and looking at source code is better than reading through books.

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-literally what i did too but that’s not a traditional method-

Doesn’t mean traditional is the best way.

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well, different kinds of people, i suppose.
youtubs, books, docs or straight up staring at lines of code work, so its really up to preference.

@Xemiru @DotDash Exactly! While you guys learned from doing, I learned from reading. I’m the type of person that can read something and then instantly apply it. So I would personally say read the java bible, and text-based- tutorials. I’m also the kind of person to provide pseudo code or a picture of code instead of text code where you can copy & paste. If you are forced to write it you are more likely to remember what you did and why. (Atleast some people are)

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things that helped me remember

  • get yelled at about it*
  • be forced to write it
  • be fast enough of a typer to actually enjoy typing up what you wrote

*this specifically for school

there’re a lot of people who learn by doing, but regardless of how you learn its always beneficial to grab from any source you can that’ll help you.


I learned a lot by trial and error. I’d try to find my own approach first and if it didn’t work I’d try again. And if I found no solution at all, there were still the interwebs…

Learn how to program first. Scratch is a good way to start programming, it’s simple but got me into programming.

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