How do I display server loads?

Hey guys,
I’m wanting to display server loads and up times on my website but I’m not really sure how I would go about doing it.
My webserver is hosted on a shared hosting platform, where as my minecraft servers are hosted on a dedi.

Also sorry if this is not the correct spot for this, I just figured since it was related to server administration it would fit here :slight_smile:
Thanks in advance guys.

I should also note that I have an “admin dashboard” but it’s only the front end graphics, it doesn’t actually have any backend code to hook into a server.

You can use MySQL to connect the website and the server. You can host one on your dedi

You need a custom plugin that sends the stats to the database

Then use PHP on your website to read and display the data (I hope that php is enabled).

Thanks for that, I have now idea how to code a plugin for Sponge so I guess that idea is out the window :stuck_out_tongue:
I dont really have enough time to learn whilst moving from Australia to Canada.