How do I make Essentials from Spigot & Bukkit work On Sponge

I’ve starting to familiarize myself with Sponge and one thing I really need done is to add Essentials to my Pixelmon Server so that I can use Group Manager and all that. I heard something about Essentials was ported into Sponge and I don’t know how to make it work with Sponge. Please if you know how to tell me in the comments below. Thanks in Advanced.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem possible.

Bukkit plugins use a completely different API than ours. There used to be a plugin called Pore that attempted to bridge Bukkit and Sponge but it was discontinued as mentioned in their thread here

However, there are 3 alternatives for Bukkit essentials on Sponge




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EssentialCmds is actually being discontinued in favor of Nucleus, so use that instead of EC.

Even then I’d wait. EC is a bit more refined at the moment and less buggy.

Personlly, I think they are quite different - EC does not offer the option to opt out of modules, whereas Nucleus does. Depends on what you want, 10/10 suggest to read the documentation first.