How to create custom events?

@boformer HubJoinEvent is just a example. I want this event to trigger when a player joins the server. When a player joins the server, an announcement will be made to all the players. The player who triggered the event will also recieve a custom welcome message such as:

Welcome to the Blockenton City Server

– Type /rules for rules
– Use the compass to select a game

…Why do you need a custom event for that?

Just Subscribe to PlayerJoinEvent.


This. It’s extremely pointless to make custom events unless you actually have a valid reason to make them. In this case this isn’t a valid reason and it would be much easier to just used the internal events.

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Like I said, HubJoinEvent is complete useless and pointless, because I could just @Subscribe to PlayerJoinEvent. But if I were to create hub jumppads, and create a HubJumppadEvent, how do I run the event when a player enters a jumppad?

For future reference, ask for help on what you really want.

Now, assuming that the jump-pad is, say, a gold block.
(Excuse my in-browser pseudo code)

public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent event) {
    Location loc = event.getPlayer().getLocation();
    Block block = event.getPlayer().getWorld().getBlock(loc.getX(), loc.getY() - 1, loc.getZ());
    if (block == BlockType.GOLD_BLOCK) {
        game.getEventManager().post(new HubJumppadEvent(event.getPlayer()); // Plus, any other values this event may need.

@FerusGrim, I looked at your code snippet and saw the line
game.getEventManager().post(new HubJumppadEvent(event.getPlayer());

I did not understand that line of code. What is game? Is it a reference?

Oh yeah, the SpongeDocs are okay, but I want to become more advanced at the Sponge Api. I think the SpongeDocs are aiming at beginners.

game.method() is the Sponge equivalent of Bukkit.method().
You can get it during the ServerStartingEvent with event.getGame().

Then use

It’s easier to, in the class that annotates @Plugin, to do this:

@Inject private Game game;

@Inject will automagically pass Sponge’s Game instance to it, when the Plugin is initialized.


I am currently inspecting JavaDocs. The amount of inheritance the confusing, but I will manage. Just a question - What does the @Inject, @Subscribe annotations even do? The SpongeDocs doesn’t seem the purpose of @Inject.

@Inject injects for example a Logger or in this case a Game automatically at the right time for you. I only know these both usecases.
@Subscribe is described somewhere in the docs.

@frogocomics @RandomByte

@Inject is used for quite a few injections. :smile:
Logger, PluginContainer, File (ConfigDir), File (DefaultConfig), ServiceManager, etc.

EDIT: @Subscribe just tells Sponge which events you’re going to be listening to when you register the class as an Event handler. Note, that the class which utilizes @Plugin is automatically registered as such.

EDIT2: If you’re familiar with Bukkit’s @EventHandler, you’ll realize that @Subscribe is a fairly similar concept.

@FerusGrim, the code you suggested,

public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent event) {
Location loc = event.getPlayer().getLocation();
Block block = event.getPlayer().getWorld().getBlock(loc.getX(), loc.getY() - 1, loc.getZ());
if (block == BlockType.GOLD_BLOCK) {
game.getEventManager().post(new HubJumppadEvent(event.getPlayer()); // Plus, any other values this event may need.

Does not work!

Well, why don’t you fix it, @frogocomics?


@boformer I don’t know how to! Don’t be mean!

We could spoon-feed (give you the code) you, but you won’t learn anything.

Study the code. Study java.


C’mon man. Really.

EDIT: The majority of this post has been you blaming others for your lack of knowledge in the platform you’re attempting to work within.

Take @DotDash’s advice and

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Study hard, one must. Learn not you will should you ignore this. [/yoda] :trollface:


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

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If you’re not good at something, you practice. And in this case its called studying.