How to spawn baby living entity?

I’m trying to spawn baby zombie
but it keeps failing

I tried

none of all I could come out does not work.

help me please

This is because when you get the data from an object, it is a copy of the data.

In this case because you’re just setting a value, use ZOMBIE.set(Keys.AGE, 0)

For more, check the Data API docs:

code you suggested does not work.
and I tried
but it doesnt work either

A negative age represents a baby. A positive or zero age represents an adult.

ZOMBIE.offer(Keys.AGE, -10000)

is it possible to make zombie not to grow forever? to keep him being baby

You could offer Integer.MIN_VALUE and they’d basically stay a baby for a very long time.

zombie is still adult.
I also tried
this occurs NoSuchElemental Exception error.

According to this issue AgeableData isn’t implemented yet, sorry :confused:

The API we’ve shown is complete, however you will not yet be able to use/test with it until it has been implemented.

The list of unimplemented data shows @HassanS6000 as being the one who is implementing it.