Is this a problem when my sponge starts up? SpongeForge 1808 build

The reason as to why I’m using a 1808 build is due to the fact that the latest builds crash with the pixelmon mod when the mod spawns a legendary pokemon in the wilderness. but I want to know if the startup is a issue there. some mods such as nucleus crash when he backported to support 1808 builds.

This is the crash:

something with java.lang

Any help would be greatful.

at io.github.nucleuspowered.nucleus.ChatUtil.getLastColourAndStyle(

May want to discuss this with the developers of Nucleus

I’d like to point out that it’s java.lang.Error - which is what makes me think it’s possibly the environment rather than the plugin. The line it refers to is found here if anyone can spot anything.

Line 10 of that Crash Report says: Description: Watching Server (reminds me of a watchdog-timeout)
And that for-loop in the plugins code … to me it seems like it could get in a state where it’s looping forever.
So the plugin froze the server? Maybe? :smiley:

Edit: ok, actually … (that’s a really weird for-loop) … but i could be wrong with that infinite loop.

Brought it up in the pixelmon chat and someone went to debug it. and came up with this:

Chase V2: That logic is 100% wrong, Khaoz.
[11:11 AM] Chase V2: Trying to debug it. Give me a sec.
[11:11 AM] Chase V2: Causes an infinite loop
[11:12 AM] KhaozFrost: ah so it is a watchdog-timeout
[11:13 AM] Chase V2: for (int i = texts.size() - 1; i > -1 && (tc == TextColors.NONE || ts == TextStyles.NONE); i–) {
[11:13 AM] Chase V2: Should be that.
[11:13 AM] KhaozFrost: you have sponge account?
[11:13 AM] Chase V2: I do not. Do you?
[11:13 AM] Chase V2: Feel free to post it. Idc.

Yep, that’s right, I realise how I’ve screwed it up now! I feel stupid!

I’ll sort it once I get home.


yay! Chase saves the day :smiley: Glad we getting this resolved. :smile: didn’t spend 3hrs converting all my essentialscmds perms for nothing.

For the interested - opted to fix it like this (that is, stop trying to be clever in for loops!):