[Abandoned] 🔑 PermissionManager [v3.0.1] [API 5.X] A simple and easy permission plugin

Ok, I didn’t know this.
I’ll check it tomorrow and try to publish a version which is compatible with 4.2, too :slight_smile:

The code I have works with API 4.2.0 and 5.x

This version is fully compatible with Sponge 4.2.0, too. I would be very glad if you can use this class for your next plugin version. :slight_smile:

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No problem. I will update that.

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I am having a problem where one of my members is unable to run the /help command. my main account (opped) and secondary test account (not opped, default rank on server) are both able to run it. Any thoughts as to what this might be from? Also, even though I have granted the perm node for /back, this person is also unable to run that command. Both instances are returning the error that they dont have permissions.

Not meaning to hijack the thread here, but if you’re running both Nucleus and Project Portals, Project Portals takes over the back command by default, so you need to make sure you’re granted the permission for the correct plugin (or disable PJP’s back module)

Sorry @djxy, just wanted to make sure you didn’t go looking for a bug that doesn’t exist!

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@dualspiral No problem.

@CainSeldon When you have a problem with Ă  permission, you should use the debug mode and check the console. You will see which permission is tested when you send Ă  command or do any action that require Ă  permission.

PermissionManager 2.5.3

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If you could give me 30 seconds of your time it will be nice.


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Do i use permissionmanager to block the use of certain items (tnt,lava/water buckets?) if so how do i do this?

No, to do this you have to use a plugin that restrict the use of these items.

My prefixes won’t seem to be appearing can i get some help?

Do you use a plugin to display the prefixes?

Hello. Is there a way to give a Groupe a Prefix for the Chat?
example: “[Admin] “Name”:,[Member] “Name”:”

Please help me. :slight_smile:
If there is a Command for that, then i dont found that one.

Yes, you have to use a plugin that handle the prefixes and after that you set the option for the prefix.

have you maybe a name of a plugin with that function?

Nucleus can display the prefixes.

Don’t mind me peeping through ancient comments, but ‘a bit easier’ is an understatement :joy:

We have been updating our pixelmon server from 1.7.10 to 1.10.2, and we LOVE PermissionManager. We used to use PEX, but the interactive menu makes everything flow and just overall simpler. However, we are still in the Beta phase of our server, and since we used to use PEX, we need to convert everyone over from PEX to PermissionManager. I personally do not mind sitting there for an hour or so typing out names and ranks to add them, but PermissionManager does not allow me to set groups of users who have not yet logged in. We are rebuilding the map on a Beta server, and it would be easiest for everyone if I could update the players ranks before being released to the public. That way we do not get 10903109 support tickets about missing ranks over the next few months.

Can support be added for editing users who have not yet logged in?

I plan to create a converter for PEX. So, you won’t have to recreate everything. Currently, the only way to do this, you will have to create a file with the UUID of the player and edit the file. It will be the only way to do this if the player has never been on your new server.

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Can you help me? Please join my server for the help:) . play.medievalcraft.nl 1.10.2 Pixelmon 5.0.0