Kick text is not showing

I have trouble, I made Discord sync, but in most cases kick reason is not “register on discord XXX”, but “Disconnected”. Can someone help?

Whats your code for kicking someone?


So I believe the regular function for kick, just kicks the player for that reason. If you wish you can emulate the kick action by broadcasting a message saying X has been kicked for Y reason. Or you could just run the kick command as console.

You didnt understand me. My problem is the reason isnt visible. Look example
A - Client
A got kicked with X reason, but X text isnt visible, but text “Disconnected”

Ah. In that case its a bug with sponge. Report it to the sponge github for it to be resolved.

In the mean time you can still run the kick command

Can reproduce (although not 100% of the time). Working on a fix.

It seems that one of the following randomly happens:

  • Show the intended kick message
  • Show a “Disconnected” message, and dump a “ Broken pipe” error in the logs (sometimes followed by another error about a null player object)
  • Show an “InternalException: Connection reset by peer” message without logging a stack trace

Probably has to do with a race condition of some sort.